I never played medieval 2 on mobile so i have no idea how that goes
However here's some general comments from the desktop game-
Your pikes seem to be bugged, if you arent telling them to come out of pike formation then they shouldnt. make sure your pikes are not attacked on the sides or in the back. that causes them to panic and break formation
Not all two handed units are the same, but in general they have higher attack.
Axemen generally have more armour piercing damage.
Every unit has its role, two handed halberd militia wont be that good against shielded swordsmen but are excellent against cavalry. while two handed huscarls arent that great against cavalry but will shred through some swordsmen
You can place siege units a bit far back behind the walls.
Gunners, crossbowmen and archers can all go on walls and shoot
Units that can dismount should have a button on the ui pop up when you select them but it might be different on mobile
Your shielded units should be taking enemy archer fire
Your archers should be shooting unshielded units
Use your light cavalry to outflank and disrupt enemy archers
Heavy cavalry has a devastating charge, and if you catch enemy units on the sides or in the back it will do even more damage
Dont stay engaged too long with cavalry, charge in, get a couple strikes in, disengage, then charge back in.
Place skirmishers in front of pikes/spearmen to goad in enemy cavalry. when they are charging- retreat your skirmishers and simultaneously advance your spears. so the cavalry charges into your spears and if the enemy cavalry stops charging and retreats your skirmishers that just retreated behind your spearline can thrown their missile weapons and cause massive amounts of damage.
When you disengage make sure enemy missile units or javelinmen arent attacking them in the back.
Use light infantry to disrupt enemy unit formations, feign a charge, then stop and retreat then when the enemy is targeting the feigning unit, charge back in
While they are out of position try to get some of your missile units to hit their exposed flanks or charge your cavalry into them
Use light infantry to draw in enemy units and then charge in your own elite units
Dont fight uphill. your archers placed uphill have slightly higher range.
Focus on enemy's weaker units and skirmishers and ranged units, rout them first and then focus on their medium and heavy infantry who will now have a lower morale because their friends just routed.
Try to snipe off the enemy general and make sure your own general doesnt die.
pikemen and spearmen are slow to manoeuvre, so use your swords and axes to engage them in the sides, if you cant- then deploy wider than the enemy and try to surround them.