1st Regiment Emperor's Own is a type of line infantry in Napoleon: Total War. They are available to Austria with the Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars DLC.
These men are exceptionally fine line infantry armed with smoothbore muskets.
The 1st Regiment “Emperor’s Own” is made up of battle-hardened Czech troops, as deadly with their bayonets as they are excellent marksmen. They are best employed in an advance upon the enemy firing volleys before delivering a decisive bayonet charge. To guard against potentially devastating cavalry charges, they can form square, although this leaves them vulnerable to fire from artillery.
Historically, the Austrian army suffered thanks to the conservative mindset of its military establishment. Rules were handed down to the army from the Hofkriegsrat, the military-civilian administration. At a time when most nations were modernising, choosing less formal formations and making use of light infantry, the dead hand of bureaucracy meant that the Austrian Army could not adapt. Reforms were called for after each defeat, but were thwarted by financial issues. Despite the ineptitude and penny-pinching of national command, the ordinary Austrian soldiers fought on to acquit themselves with bravery and discipline: a surprisingly modern-looking problem for an army of 200 years ago.
General Information[]
The Emperor's Own are in most ways the best line infantry Austria can field, with comparable shooting statistics to British Foot. Despite their superior status, the Emperor's Own do not inspire nearby units. Like other line infantry, their high morale and large numbers makes them excellent for forming the line of battle, but are vulnerable to longer ranged troops, as well as being charged from the flank or rear.