Total War Wiki

Agamemnon's Host is a faction unique building belonging to Mycenae, in a Total War Saga: Troy, which can be built exclusively in province capitals.


As Agamemnon gained power around the Aegean, he came to rely on a number of officials who governed in his name through Mycenae. The sovereign, called ‘wanax’ in ancient texts, ruled from his palace in the capital, from whence he established taxation and passed laws. Under him were the ‘lawagetas,’ the leaders of the people. These landholders were in charge of keeping the peace across the land and commanded the king's armies in battle; they reigned from their own regional fortresses, extending their ruler's influence to the far reaches of Mycenaean Greece.

Agamemnon's Host (tier 5)[]

Built on an empty slot. Requires a tier 5 province capital.

Building Construction Cost Remark Effect
TROY bld s elite bonus 3170 wood
1050 stone
260 gold
The Powerful king of Mycenae attracts the greatest fighters of the age to his mighty war-host. +5 faction elite unit recruit rank
+2 to morale of Shielded Spearmen and Club Warriors
+5% to range of Light Javelinmen
-2% to upkeep cost of Shielded Spearmen, Club Warriors and Light Javelinmen