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The Alamans are a playable faction in Total War: Attila. They belong to the Longbeards Culture Pack DLC.


The Alamans, which means 'all men', are the spirited successors of the Suebi. It is their intent to forge a new life for the Germanic tribes of Europe in the west, away from the nomadic terror of the Huns. Although existing in one form or another for centuries, the Alamans were first recorded by the Romans during the despised Emperor Antonius' campaigns in the Agri Decumates. Although defeated by Imperial forces, they capitalized on the widespread hatred of Antonius to bargain a favorable peace deal for themselves, and are considered by posterity to be his victims.

However, the Alamans still regard themselves Rome's dogged nemesis, and have undertaken several campaigns against the Empire, even invading Gaul in AD268 at the same time as the massive Gothic attack on the Eastern Romans. Although defeated on several occasions - notably at the Battle of Lake Benacus – they have nevertheless stripped Rome of much of its western territory, as the great Empire has had to fight on several fronts against multiple threats at the same time.

Led by a tribal confederation of greater and lesser kings, princes and chiefs who claim royal blood, the Alamans levy a diverse range of Germanic troops from across the region to fight for them. Their destiny, however troubled, and however many times they are pushed back, lies in greatness beyond the Rhine; tenacity and sheer, bloody-minded determination will see Alamannic ambitions realized!

Faction Traits[]

Cultural Traits[]

New Kingdoms[]

"Nations are merely lines on a map. The true Kingdom is endless."

  • +200% conversion cost of the main chain
  • +200% conversion time of the main chain
  • Building conversion rate: -50%

Faction Traits[]

Germanic Unity[]

"When the king speaks, people listen."

  • Royal Splendour: +50% to general's radius of influence.
  • Frontiersmen: +15 melee attack versus Romans.

Unit Roster[]

Melee Infantry Bejewelled RetinueGermanic BandGermanic NoblesGermanic WarbandBejewelled NoblesNoble Germanic SwordsmenProtectores Defectors
Spear Infantry Alamannic ScavengersElite Alamannic ScavengersGermanic LevyGermanic Spear MastersGermanic SpearmenScavenger Mob
Pike Infantry Germanic Pikes
Missile Infantry Elite Germanic ArchersGermanic ArchersGermanic BowsGermanic BrigandsGermanic CrossbowmenGermanic HuntersGermanic Hurlers
Melee Cavalry Chnodomar's EntourageGermanic HorsemenGermanic Mounted WarbandNoble Germanic HorsemenTaifali Cavalry
Shock Cavalry Germanic Lancers
Missile Cavalry Chnodomar's RaidersGermanic Mounted BrigandsGermanic Night RaidersGermanic Raiders
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion OnagerLarge Onager
Field Artillery Captured Cheiroballistra

Starting Position[]



  • Uburzis
Total War: Attila Factions
Nomadic Factions HunsWhite Huns
Roman Factions Eastern Roman EmpireWestern Roman Empire
Eastern Factions Sassanid EmpireGaramantiansLakhmidsAksumHimyarTanukhids
Barbarian Factions VisigothsVandalsAlansSaxons OstrogothsFranksSuebiansDanesGeatsJutesLangobardsAlamansBurgundiansEbdaniansPictsCaledoniansAnteansSclaveniansVenedians
The Last Roman Factions Frankish KingdomOstrogothic KingdomRoman ExpeditionVandalic KingdomVisigothic Kingdom
Age Of Charlemagne Factions Kingdom of AsturiasKingdom of CharlemagneKingdom of the LombardsAvarsEmirate of CordobaKingdom of MerciaKingdom of the DanesWestphalia