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Alexander is a type of heavy cavalry unit available to the Macedonians in Rome: Total War: Alexander.


The Royal Squadron, or basilike ile, is a double-strength unit of Personal Companions under the command of Alexander himself. Unlike his Persian adversaries, Alexander is a leader in the heroic mould, always in the thick of the action, an inspiration to his men and a terror to his foes!

The Companion, or hetaroi, cavalry are recruited from the nobility and are a military elite. The military reforms of Alexander's father Philip altered the function of the cavalry from merely screening the army's flanks to a more proactive role. The development of the devastatingly penetrative wedge formation completed the transformation. Equipped with protective cuirasses and wielding the xyston, a double-ended stabbing spear their mobility makes them the hammer of the Macedonian army!


  • Alexander has identical stats to regular Companion Cavalry. The only difference is that his unit is far larger (in skirmish battles at least, it's only a few men more in the campaign).
  • Alexander is the only historical leader to get a unique unit. In the previous Rome: Total War expansion and base game, particularly in historical battles, no real life leader got their own unit like Alexander did.

