The Anode Furnace is a type of copper mining chain building in Fall of the Samurai.
There is wisdom in foreigners: the copper-bottomed guarantee for a start!
This province contains enough copper deposits to be worth mining. With further investment and time, these will become even more profitable, and enable ships to be constructed with copper bottoms.
Copper mining and, more particularly, refining and smelting the metal, are unpleasant and polluting businesses. This is outweighed, though, by the benefits of having industrial amounts of copper available. Many early telegraph cables, including undersea ones, were made from copper wire as the metal has low resistance to electric currents. However, its uses in shipbuilding were more relevant to anyone warlike: plating the bottom of a ship with copper sheets stopped all kinds of marine worms, and prevented barnacles and weeds from getting a hold on the hull. Ships lasted longer, were cheaper to maintain because they needed fewer repairs, and could achieve a better top speed for much of their service life.
General Information[]
Requires Copper Refinery, 10,000 koku, 10 turns.
- -15% to the cost of modern units in this province
- +30 tonnes of high quality copper
- +5 to town growth from trade within this province
- +400 wealth generated by mines within this province
- -2 to happiness from modernisation
Clan Effects:
- -5% to the cost of modern units across all provinces
- +3 to modernisation (clan development)
Copper buildings generate copper, a profitable resource. Modern units (all units enabled by the modern military chain) trained in provinces with a copper specialty have discounted training costs. This makes copper specialty regions good regions to train armies from, particularly for poor factions. Wealthy factions, however, may find buildings with a smithing specialty more useful instead, as these buildings have direct benefits for units in combat. The final tier of copper buildings reduces modern unit costs for all provinces, however, so capturing as many copper specialty provinces as possible can save a good deal of money.
Copper provides no discounts for artillery; instead, provinces with iron reduce costs of artillery. Traditional units receive discounts from the holy site buildings instead.
Smelting Mill | Anode Furnace | |
Wealth | +600 | +400 |
Growth | +3 | +5 |
Modernisation | 0 | +3 |
Happiness | 0 | -2 |
Anode Furnaces are almost always a poorer building choice than smelting mills: they take longer to build, are more expensive, and create unhappiness in regions they're built in. Additionally, anode furnaces start off making 200 less wealth than smelting mills; they take 100 turns just to start making the same money per turn as smelting mills, but require over 100 more turns to justify their cost when compared to smelting mills.
Provinces with copper include (from east to west): Bungo, Iyo, Kai, and Hitachi.