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The Ashikaga Clan is an unplayable faction in Total War: Shogun 2.

General Information[]

The Ashikaga hold the title of shogunate at the beginning of the campaign. They have some powerful assets, including a unit of the formidable Great Guard.

The Ashikaga can declare war on other clans, but they never attack or take other provinces. This means that they grow comparatively weaker over time in the face of growing clans around it.

Invading the Ashikaga's home province of Kyoto is a double edged sword: it is valuable due to its philosophical tradition, but conquering it means that after holding it for four turns, the game recognizes the player as Shogun, triggering Realm Divide.


The Ashikaga Clan was the leading ruling clan (The Shogunate) prior to the Sengoku Jidai, in the Muromachi period. They had a limited rule from the their capital Kyoto although the Clan claimed de jure complete rule of the Japanese State. In Total War: Shogun 2 they play the role of a comprehensive advising body to the clans (not unlike SPQR in Rome: Total War or Papal States in the two Medieval Total Wars), from Kyoto they work to make sure no clan becomes too powerful to threaten their rule.

The Ashikaga Clan's shogunate was heavily weakened in 1573 when Oda Nobunaga of the Oda Clan drove Ashikaga Yoshiaki out of Kyoto.

Total War: Shogun 2 Factions
Sengoku Major Factions Chosokabe ClanDate ClanHojo ClanHattori ClanIkko IkkiMori ClanOda ClanOtomo ClanShimazu ClanTakeda ClanTokugawa ClanUesugi Clan
Sengoku Minor Factions Amako ClanAnegakoji ClanAsai ClanAshikaga ClanAshina ClanBessho ClanEuropean TradersHatakeyama ClanHatano ClanHonma ClanImagawa ClanIto ClanJinbo ClanKikkawa ClanKiso ClanKitabatake ClanKono ClanMatsuda ClanMiyoshi ClanMogami ClanMurakami ClanOgigayatsu ClanOuchi ClanSagara ClanSaito ClanSakai ClanSatake ClanSatomi ClanShoni ClanSogo ClanTakaoka ClanTsutsui ClanUrakami ClanWako PiratesYamana ClanYamanouchi Clan
Unimplemented Factions Asano ClanHosokawa ClanIshida ClanKobayakawa ClanKuroda ClanToyotomi ClanUkita ClanUtsunomiya Clan