Austria is a major faction in Napoleon: Total War. It appears in the Europe Campaign and the Italy Campaign, as well as a number of historical battles.
In all cases, Austria is a major power and opposed to France.
Italy Campaign[]
Austria begins the Italy Campaign controlling large portions of the northern,western, and north-eastern parts of the map. Together with its neighbor, Venice, it represents the largest obstacle for the French forces to overcome. It has some armies stationed close to French lands, though the bulk of its initial forces lie in the center of the map.
While Austria is not available for playing in the singleplayer campaign, it is playable in the multiplayer campaign.
Austria has substantial lands in the northern half of the map. Its regions are bisected by Venice, and some of its lands also border those of Piedmont Sardinia. In singleplayer, Austria rarely to never has hostilities with any faction other than France.
Below are a list of grievances/friendships other factions have with Austria initially. This list is exhaustive; factions that are not listed do not have friendships or grievances (they are neutral).
Lucca | Piedmont | Tuscany |
-40 | -35 | -55 |
Europe Campaign[]
There are matters to be settled between the house of Hapsburg and the upstart Bonaparte.
Francis I is the first Hapsburg monarch to use the title Emperor of Austria. His ancient possessions in the Holy Roman Empire have been largely stripped away by a series of military disasters inflicted by the "Emperor" Napoleon. The old Empire is no more. In Italy and Germany, General Bonaparte personally oversaw military campaigns that broke Austrian Hapsburg dominance. Despite a relatively generous peace settlement in 1801, the Hapsburg throne lost too much.
France remains a threat: it is unlikely that Napoleon can ever let matters rest as they are now. His legitimacy as a ruler is bought and paid for in military glory, and that cannot be won in times of peace. His attitude towards other nations is tinged with contempt at best, and hostility at worst. Austria, then, has to choose sides. Fortunately, there are potential allies in the Russians and the British. Indeed, the British may be ideal allies, for they are likely to want the return of Hanover, thus weakening Prussian power within Germany. They also have an exceptionally large amount of money to help finance their continental allies.
The Russians will expect to be compensated for any efforts against Napoleon by Polish territory, but Austria can put up with such an arrangement. The difficulty may lie in coming to an arrangement with Prussia: can Germany be divided equably? But there is much to be gained by finding allies: Austria needs help if she is to regain the lost lands of Italy and, finally, remove the revolutionary threat that is France.
Victory Conditions[]
Capture and hold 25 regions, including the regions shown. Flanders & Wallonia, Balkans, Silesia, Tyrol, Volhynia & Podolia, Austria, Saxony & Thuringia, Northern Italy
Complete by the end of your turn in: Late December 1812
World Domination
Capture and hold 60 regions, including the regions shown. Austria
Complete by the end of your turn in: Late December 1812
Hungary, Vienna, Austria
- Starting Buildings - Magistrate, Theatre, Cantonment, Cannon Foundry
- Infrastructure - Cobbled Roads
- Population - 3063000
- Wealth - 4869
- Religion - Catholic 100%
- Villages/Towns/Ports - Donau Farmlands (Farms), Graz (College), Graz Mines (Iron Mine), Linz (Market), Rauris Mines (Gold Mine), Salzburg (Member's Club), Triest (Trading Port)
Prague, Bohemia
- Starting Buildings - Tax Office, Cannon Foundry
- Infrastructure - Not developed
- Population - 3250000
- Wealth - 2454
- Religion - Protestant 60%, Catholic 40%
- Villages/Towns/Ports - Budweis (Market), Ostrau Mines (Iron Mine)
Zagreb, Croatia
- Starting Buildings - Cantonment
- Infrastructure - Not developed
- Population - 530000
- Wealth - 1453
- Religion - Catholic 80%, Orthodox 20%
- Villages/Towns/Ports - Osijek Farmlands (Farms), Rijeka (Undeveloped Commercial Center), Split (Undeveloped Port)
Lemberg, Galicia
- Starting Buildings - Cantonment, Tax Office
- Infrastructure - Not developed
- Population - 3600000
- Wealth - 1603
- Religion - Catholic 70%, Orthodox 30%
- Villages/Towns/Ports - Rzeszow (Undeveloped Commercial Center), Ternopil Farmlands (Farms)
Buda-Pest, Hungary
- Starting Buildings - Cantonment
- Infrastructure - Not developed
- Population - 7400000
- Wealth - 2001
- Religion - Catholic 80%, Protestant 20%
- Villages/Towns/Ports - Csongrad Pasture (Stables), Debrecen (Undeveloped Industrial Center), Szegedin Farmlands (Undeveloped)
Olmütz, Moravia
- Starting Buildings - Tax Office
- Infrastructure - Not developed
- Population - 1460000
- Wealth - 1757
- Religion - Protestant 60%, Catholic 40%
- Villages/Towns/Ports - Brünn (Manufactory), Presov Mines (Undeveloped Iron Mine)
Klausenburg, Transylvania
- Starting Buildings - Tax Office
- Infrastructure - Not developed
- Population - 1700000
- Wealth - 1584
- Religion - Catholic 90%, Protestant 10%
- Villages/Towns/Ports - Hermannstadt (Manufactory), Kronstadt Forests (Logging Camp)
Innsbruck, Tyrol
- Starting Buildings - Cantonment
- Infrastructure - Not developed
- Population - 594576
- Wealth - 1000
- Religion - Catholic 100%
- Villages/Towns/Ports - Bozen Mines (Undeveloped Iron Mine), Trient (Undeveloped Industrial Center)
Venice, Venetia
- Starting Buildings - Tax Office, Cantonment, Opera House
- Infrastructure - Not developed
- Population - 4000000
- Wealth - 2412
- Religion - Catholic 100%
- Villages/Towns/Ports - Chioggia (Trading Port), Udine Mines (Gold Mine)
Basics at start[]
- Protectorates – None
- Allies – Kingdom of Sicily, Sweden,Great Britain, Kingdom of Naples, Russia
- Trade Partners – Great Britain, Saxony, Russia
- Enemies – Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Kingdom of Italy, Spain, France, Swiss Confederation, Batavian Republic
- Religion – Catholic
- Government – Absolute Monarchy
- Ruler – Franz I
- Population – 25,597,576
- Power – Terrifying
- Wealth – Rich
- Treasury – 7,500
- Technology - National Debt, Division of Labour
- Spies – Adolf Holzer (Venetia)
- Gentlemen - Klemens von Metternich (Austria)
- Generals - Ferdinand von Österreich-Este (Austria), Johann von Österreich (Bohemia), Karl Mack von Leiberich (Bavaria), Karl von Österreich-Teschen (Venetia)
- Admirals - None
Austria has perhaps the most difficult campaign out of all the playable factions. The hostile, powerful French Empire is at its doorstep, and the neutrality of its northern Prussian neighbor may be at jeopardy if Austria is not careful. To the south, the Ottoman Empire is hostile (when the A.I controls both factions, they tend to declare war on each other on the first turn), and the Kingdom of Italy, allied to France, is at war with Austria from the first turn. Austria's allies, Great Britain and Russia, are for the most part too far away to be of any immediate help. With enemies along such a wide front, it is difficult for Austria to concentrate its forces in one area without dangerously weakening itself somewhere else.
Austria has ambitious goals, with required regions stretching from French-controlled Flanders to Prussian-controlled Silesia to Russia-controlled Volhynia & Podolia. Its army, however, is only average, so Austria usually has to fight an uphill battle when confronting armies of equal numbers.
Austria has a unique advantage: it automatically has a +30 modifier to its political relationships with all other factions. This allows it to secure better deals with its allies and better convince its enemies to make peace (particularly in the early game). However, it has several disadvantages: it has the worst starting cabinet and monarch, the worst starting gentleman, and has to deal with many enemies on multiple fronts with an unremarkable army.
Thanks to its ports in the Adriatic Sea, Austria can quickly take advantage of some of the trade nodes in the central Mediterranean, though it has no starting navy to defend its trade fleets against French, Spanish, and Ottoman raiders. Fighting Italy and the Ottoman Empire can help consolidate its trade profits in the region.
Austria's unique building, the Heldenplatz, enhances National Prestige and increase global tax revenue by 3%. This means that the building pays for itself after an additional 500,000 gold is gained from tax revenue after its construction. In the mid-late game, where default tax revenue usually reaches tens of thousands of gold per turn, this income can be gained from taxes with a dozen turns or two. However, this building is less useful if the player liberates many regions (thus gaining protectorate fees but not tax revenue) or benefits mainly from trade income, neither of which are affected by tax.
Good initial moves for Austria include marching against the Ottoman Empire, which has a good number of ports and schools and is also close to a few trade nodes. Additionally, defeating the Ottoman Empire considerably reduces the amount of directions Austria can be attacked from. Fighting with France is practically required, and due to its historical friendliness with other German states Austria can enlist the help of Prussia, Saxony, and Hessen to fight the French. To the south-west, the Kingdom of Italy is a good target, due to its gold mine and school.
Toward the late game Austria needs to find a way for Prussia and Russia to relinquish control of Silesia and Volhynia & Podolia respectively. Austria can either devote a large amount of money to this goal by buying the lands, or by declaring war on its allies.
Austria's middling military power makes it an attractive target for attack. France, Russia, and Prussia all require Austrian lands for their victory conditions, and Austria seldom puts up much resistance. In the short term, Russia and Prussia may find Austria more useful as an ally, but France may find it very difficult to conclude peace with Austria and vice versa.
Austria is unique among factions in that it comes with a permanent +30 in diplomatic relations to all other factions. This, in conjunction with historical friendships, gives it friendly relations to all of the members of the coalition allied against Napoleon, as well as friendly relations with Prussia and the neutral minor factions. However, despite its diplomatic bonuses, war with the Ottoman Empire, France, and its allies are practically unavoidable. Below is a list of grievances/friendships other factions have with Austria initially. This list is exhaustive; factions that are not listed do not have friendships or grievances (they are neutral).
Great Britain | Prussia | Russia | Batavian Republic | Bavaria | Saxony | Switzerland |
+45 | +25 | -30 | +170 | +260 | +25 | +100 |
Below is a list of grievances/friendships other factions have with Austria if Austria emerges as a faction or they do. This list is exhaustive; factions that are not listed do not have friendships or grievances (they are neutral).
Great Britain | Ottoman Empire | Prussia | France | Spain | Russia | Catalonia | Kingdom of Naples |
+105 | -45 | +40 | -105 | -120 | +30 | -35 | +50 |
Kingdom of Italy | Ireland | Britanny | United Netherlands | Italy | Kingdom of Sicily | Baden-Württemberg | Bavaria |
-120 | +35 | -35 | -50 | -80 | +50 | -120 | -80 |
Crimea | Hungary | Poland | Romania | Saxony | Sweden | Switzerland | Westphalia |
-45 | -80 | -55 | -60 | +40 | +40 | -80 | -35 |
The Austrian army has a mediocre unit roster, with no great strengths to speak of. Its line infantry are average, its light infantry a little below average, and its skirmishers are middle of the pack: behind Great Britain and Prussia, but better than France (whose skirmishers have inferior range) and Russia (which simply do not have skirmishers). The one exception to the rule of the average Austrian skirmisher roster is its Windbüchse Jägers, which have superb accuracy and by far the highest fire rate in the game. However, they are only limited to one regiment, are extremely expensive to field, and suffer from a smaller than average regiment size.
Austria's prime weakness is its complete inability to recruit guards, or indeed any inspiring units among its infantry. Another weakness in the Europe campaign is the fact that a sizable number of its troops may only be recruited in specific regions. These units include the Hungarian Fusiliers, Hungarian Hussars and Hungarian Grenadiers exclusie to the region of Hungary, and Grenzers available only to the regions of Hungary and Croatia.
Austrian cavalry are pretty good, with all types being inferior to just France (although they suffer from a comparatively small unique cavalry roster). Austrian artillery is generally standard, making it generally better than Prussian artillery in terms of quality and British artillery in terms of range, but worse than Russia and France. It is the only playable faction to lack horse artillery, making its artillery roster especially lacking in mobility.
Austria has the standard ship roster, making it tied with Prussia in this regard, very slightly inferior to Russia, and considerably worse than Great Britain or France.
Austrian units generally have one more defence than their generic counterparts, which can be of some small help. While their capabilities are fairly balanced, with no severe weaknesses to speak of (aside from no elite infantry or horse artillery), there are no significant strengths, either.
Austria begins the Europe campaign with a large number of line infantry, militia, skirmishers, medium cavalry, light cavalry, and foot artillery.
Napoleon: Total War Factions | |
Italy Campaign Factions | Austria • France • Genoa • Lucca • Modena • Milan • Parma • Papal States • Piedmont-Sardinia • Trent • Tuscany • Venice |
Egypt Campaign Factions | France • Bedouin • Great Britain • Mamelukes • Ottoman Empire |
Europe Campaign Major Factions | Austria • France • Great Britain • Ottoman Empire • Prussia • Russia • Spain |
Europe Campaign Minor Factions | Baden-Württemberg • Batavian Republic • Bavaria • Belgium • Brittany • Catalonia • Courland • Crimean Khanate • Denmark • Greece • Hannover • Hessen • Hungary • Ireland • Italy • Kingdom of Italy • Kingdom of Naples • Kingdom of Sardinia • Kingdom of Sicily • Mecklenburg • Norway • Oldenburg • Poland • Papal States • Portugal • Romania • Saxony • Scotland • Sweden • Swiss Confederation • United Netherlands • Westphalia |
Peninsular Campaign Factions | France • Great Britain • Portugal • Spain |
Unused Factions | Savoy |