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Total War Wiki

Barbarian Peasants are a type of light infantry unit available to the barbarian factions in Rome: Total War: Alexander.


Life on the borders of powerful states such as Greece and Persia is tenuous, but such simple folk defend their meagre possessions so fiercely that attacking them is often more trouble than it's worth.

Trained only to unceasing heavy toil in harsh conditions and to follow the commands of their betters, peasants expect little but death from battle. Such expectations are based on simple home-spun wisdom since death is exactly what they are most likely to discover on the battlefield! However, a pitchfork or mattock can kill a man as well as the finest sword and sometimes weight of numbers alone can win a battle. Untrained and ready to run under even light pressure, these are far from line of battle troops, but their deaths can buy time for better units to come up. Unsurprisingly, peasants are adept at hiding amongst whatever trees they can find and are happy to wait there patiently for as long as is necessary!

