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Total War Wiki

Barbarian Swordsmen are a type of heavy infantry unit available to the barbarian factions in Rome: Total War: Alexander.


Life on the borders of powerful states such as Greece and Persia is tenuous, but such simple folk defend their meagre possessions so fiercely that attacking them is often more trouble than it's worth. Centuries spent in petty skirmishes or ambushing unwary travellers teaches a man the value of a trusty blade, and in such areas men seldom travel far without a sword on their hip. In battle, these men form an indiscipline but enthusiastic rabble, eager to charge their enemies regardless of orders and redden their blades! Since they are not professional troops, few wear much by way of armour, relying instead on naked ferocity to break their foes quickly. If a disciplined enemy does manage to hold in the face of their charge though, casualties amongst barbarian swordsmen will mount up swiftly.

