Classic | Remastered |
Britannia is a playable faction in Total War: Rome Remastered.
The Britons are very similar to the Gauls - they come from the same robust Celtic stock after all, and many tribes can be found in Northern Gaul and in Britannia. The sea is no barrier. The Britons have their own sophisticated culture, within which trade and kingship flourish, and they have well-organised towns, a small but growing merchant class and age-old trading links to the world. The Phoenicians, for example, came to these islands for tin and lead.
They also have a proud tradition as warriors. Britons are fierce fighters, and present a terrifying appearance to their foes. They dye themselves blue with woad, think nothing of danger, and often lime their hair into fantastical spikes, making them appear truly horrific. Perhaps a later Roman description of Britons as 'Brittunculi,' wretched little Britons, is only partly contemptuous: it might equally be intended to make them less terrible. For the Britons can be terrible: their spirits are rarely broken by defeat or enslavement. They plot revenge, and then take it as brutally as possible. Their druidic religion can be savage to outsiders, demanding human sacrifice as a matter of course. Their traditional method of warfare involving fighting from light, highly manoeuvrable chariots can also put fear into many enemies. The noise alone is enough to scare many into flight.
All in all, from their island home the Britons have much to feel confident about. They are a vibrant people, with a tradition of bravery in warfare and gods who will aid and protect them. Protected by the moat of the sea from invasion, they can gaze out towards the mainland, and plan their conquests.
Unit Roster[]
- Barbarian Peasants
- Warband
- Druids
- Woad Warriors
- Swordsmen
- Chosen Swordsmen
- Warhounds
- Slingers
- Head Hurlers
- British Light Chariots
- British Heavy Chariots
- Barbarian Warlord
- Barbarian Cavalry Mercenaries
Total War: Rome Remastered Factions | |
Rome | Armenia・Britannia・Carthage・Dacia・Egypt・Gaul・Germania・Greek Cities・House of Brutti・House of Julii・House of Scipii・Macedon・Numidia・Parthia・Pontus・Scythia・Seleucid Empire・Spain・SPQR・Thrace・Rebels |
Barbarian Invasion | Alemanni・Berbers・Burgundii・Celts・Franks・Goths・Huns・Lombardi・Ostrogoths・Romano-British・Roxolani・Sarmatians・Sassanids・Saxons・Slavs・Vandals・Eastern Roman Empire・Western Roman Empire・Eastern Roman Rebels・Western Roman Rebels・Rebels |
Alexander | Dahae・Illyria・India・Macedon・Persia・Scythia・Thrace・Rebels |