Bronzesmith's Lodge is a building in a Total War Saga: Troy. This resource building can only be built in bronze-making settlements.
The advent of the Bronze Age was heralded by advances in metallurgy that paved the way for the discovery of bronze. The alloy is created by joining copper with tin or arsenic, forming a substance far more durable and easy to work with than stone or even wrought iron. By the time of the Trojan War, the hardened metal dominated the battlefield, being used to forge anything from spearheads to shields, and led to the invention of the Naue Type II sword, a far superior blade that could slash through armour without breaking at the hilt.
Bronzesmith's Lodge (tier 1)[]
Built on an empty slot.
Building | Construction Cost | Remark | Effect |
420 wood | Permanent facilities are required to supply a kingdom with the bronze it needs, especially during times of war. | +96 bronze per turn -70 to growth |