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The Caledonians are a playable faction in Total War: Attila. They belong to the Celts Culture Pack DLC.


The Caledonians are northern Britannia's first line of defence against Imperial Rome, and bar the way north for any would-be invaders. Although their true heritage has been much debated, they are believed to be an amalgamation of Pictish tribes and those fleeing the Roman advance into Britannia, surviving mostly in a series of hillforts and farms stretching across the highlands of Scotland.

Unfortunately, most historical sources on the Caledonians are of Roman origin, with the usual Roman bias in the reporting; for instance, Tacitus refuses to use terms such as 'king' to describe the Caledonian leader Calgacus, although this may be because he was unsure of their internal hierarchy. They are first mentioned by Tacitus as fighting at the Battle of Mons Graupius, which they lost once the Legions forced them from the hills into an open field battle, as opposed to the guerrilla-style tactics naturally favoured by the rocky terrain. In mentioning the Caledonians, Tacitus also describes them as the stereotypical definition of red haired, long-limbed “northmen” - furious and barbaric to a man.

In the centuries following Mons Graupius, the Caledonians have remained a belligerent thorn in the Empire's side, constantly crossing into Britannia to raid - and often successfully. Despite dogged Imperial efforts, they steadfastly refuse to be cowed, and stand now against a darkening world, poised to take back what is rightfully theirs!

Faction Traits[]

Cultural Traits[]

Swift Spoils[]

"These lands will be liberated, one turf at a time."

  • +250% conversion cost of the main chain
  • +200% conversion time of the main chain
  • All units have guerrilla deployment.
  • -15% movement speed reduction in raiding stance
  • Raiding income in neutral territory: +200%
  • Raiding income in enemy territory: +200%

Faction Traits[]

Dancing Blades[]

"Caledonian strength flows from a pure, singular purpose."

  • Agent action cost: -20%
  • Success Chance: +25%
  • Agent recruitment cost: -30%

Unit Roster[]

Melee Infantry Caledonian AxemenCateran BrigadeCeltic Axe BandCeltic Axe WarriorsCeltic BandCeltic BerserkersCeltic NoblesCeltic WarbandCeltic WarlordCeltic WarriorsCeltic WoodrunnersFiannaGazehoundsHorse WhisperersScatha's TeachersSighthound SpearsWolfhound Spearmen
Spear Infantry Celtic LevyCeltic SpearmenCeltic Spears
Missile Infantry Celtic ArchersCeltic BowsCeltic BrigandsCeltic CrossbowsCeltic SkirmishersElite Highland ArchersHighland ArchersNoble ArchersRoyal Archers
Melee Cavalry Mormaer Cavalry
Missile Cavalry Celtic Cavalry RaidersMounted Spear RaidersRound Shield Raiders
Siege Artillery Celtic OnagerBastion Onager

Total War: Attila Factions
Nomadic Factions HunsWhite Huns
Roman Factions Eastern Roman EmpireWestern Roman Empire
Eastern Factions Sassanid EmpireGaramantiansLakhmidsAksumHimyarTanukhids
Barbarian Factions VisigothsVandalsAlansSaxons OstrogothsFranksSuebiansDanesGeatsJutesLangobardsAlamansBurgundiansEbdaniansPictsCaledoniansAnteansSclaveniansVenedians
The Last Roman Factions Frankish KingdomOstrogothic KingdomRoman ExpeditionVandalic KingdomVisigothic Kingdom
Age Of Charlemagne Factions Kingdom of AsturiasKingdom of CharlemagneKingdom of the LombardsAvarsEmirate of CordobaKingdom of MerciaKingdom of the DanesWestphalia