Total War Wiki

For similar units, see Shaturnal Camel Gunners (Empire: Total War) and Shaturnal Camel Gunners (Napoleon: Total War).

Camel Gunners NTW Icon

Camel Gunners are a type of missile camel cavalry in Napoleon: Total War.


These camel-mounted irregulars are armed with carbines and are born skirmishers.

Horses cannot stand the smell of camels, and this gives all camel riders the advantage in melee. However, these soldiers are most effective when using their firepower to harass enemies, whittling down their numbers to the point where a charge will break them. They are also swift and very manoeuvrable, and this can be used to keep them out of trouble as well as send them to a critical point in battle. They will not, however, survive for long if they are sent against a disciplined and well-handled line infantry unit.

Historically, the Bedouin people talked before resorting to the feud, although they were very adept at defending themselves when needed. Life in the desert was harsh and unforgiving, and unnecessary squabbles or attempts to save face through violence did nothing for a man’s survival. The Bedouin were raiders on other folk but that was a matter of survival, and directed, as often as not, against outsiders.

General Information[]

Camel Gunners are statistically identical to Shaturnal Camel Gunners. They are available only in the Egypt Campaign, and are recruited in desert regions only. They are unavailable in multiplayer battles. Camel Gunners are some of the only missile cavalry that are heat resistant. As far as the French are concerned, camel gunners work best against the Bedouin: practically all Bedouin units are cavalry (contrary to logic, the fear aura camels give to horses also affects other camels), and the size and slow speed of camels mean that the volleys of fire unleashed by camel gunners can still do respectable damage even with their poor accuracy.

Camel Gunners' mounts give them an advantage over other cavalry with their ability to scare horses. This makes them a versatile unit with multiple functions. However, their stats are rather poor, and their status as camel troops make them slower than most cavalry. They work best in tandem with units that are better suited to inflicting and receiving damage. Camel gunners can be cut down by even small groups of skirmishers due to their slow speed and large size.

Like all Ottoman and Bedouin units, Camel Gunners are resistant to heat fatigue, giving them a stamina advantage over factions' units on desert maps and making them immune to the effects of heat attrition. Their immunity to heat fatigue, coupled with their good stamina bonus, often grants them a large stamina bonus over their enemies.

Napoleon: Total War Cavalry
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Medium Cavalry ChevauxlégersGeneral's BodyguardGeneral's StaffLine CavalryPortuguese CavalryVoluntarios de Ciudad Rodrigo
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Mounted Infantry and Missile Cavalry 10th HussarsCazadores Voluntarios de MadridDragoon GuardsDragoonsChasseurs à ChevalEmpress DragoonsGuard Chasseurs à ChevalGuerrilla LeaderKings German Legion DragoonsKings German Legion Light DragoonsLight DragoonsMounted CazadoresMounted JagersMounted Nizam-I-CeditMounted RiflesRoyal Scots Greys
Camel Cavalry Camel GunnersCamel WarriorsDromedary CavalryShaturnal Camel Gunners