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Camel Warriors are a type of melee cavalry in Total War: Attila.


"A camel is a bizarre beast, yet has its advantages in battle."

Camels have a number of advantages over horses: although notorious for their questionable temperament, they can be docile when handled correctly, and are generally less nervous. As desert creatures, camels also have greater stamina and can endure long periods without water. This offered a certain strategic flexibility to commanders, as long treks in arid conditions could then be undertaken. Also, when faced by conventional cavalry, the size and odour of camels caused horses to back away from fights. The invention of the north Arabian saddle in the 4th century BC made controlling them considerably easier and conveyed another advantage; the steady, elevated position of the saddle enabled an archer to scan the battlefield and pick off targets with some ease.

Strength and Weaknesses[]

  • Excellent Attack Against Cavalry
  • Very Poor Armour
  • High Health

Base Stats[]

Camel Warriors
Number of Men: 80
Morale: 34
Bonus HP: 20
Melee Attack: 45
Melee Defense: 7
Charge Bonus: 45
Reload: 0
Ammunition: 0
Very Light Infantry
Hit Points: 75
Mass: 70
Light Camel
Hit Points: 150
Mass: 600
Walk Speed: 18,5
Run Speed: 72,5
Charge Speed: 80
Charge Distance: 45

Weapons and Gear[]

Melee Weapon
Damage: 24
Armour Penetration Damage: 8
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 20
Bonus vs Elephants: 20
Building damage: 0.033
Small Round Shield
Melee Defence: 30
Armour: 5
Missile Block Chance: 20



Ability Attila Hide (forest) Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Ability Attila Resistant to Heat Resistant to Heat
This unit tires less quickly in the desert.
Ability Attila Scare (horses) Scare (horses)
This unit gives a morale penalty to enemy horses.
Total War: Attila Desert Units
Melee Infantry Desert Legionary DefectorsDesert Palatina DefectorsDesert TribesmenAfar RaidmastersAfar Swordsmenal-RahrainAthar’s ChosenBaltha DefendersBaltha WarriorsBeher’s ChosenKhahyahlimNoble al-RahrainRebellion MilitiaSahnegohrimSana’iSpice GuardSpice WarriorsTanukhid AmbushersZafar SentinelsZealot SicariusKushite ShotelaiHetaireia Guards
Spear Infantry Amazigh SpearmenDesert LevyDesert SpearsElite T'or WarriorsMäsqäl SpearmenRas GuardSons of the Invincible MahremT'or WarriorsShawia Guard
Pike Infantry Desert PikesTanukhid Pikes
Missile Infantry Desert BowmenDesert HurlersElite Nubian ArchersAdana MarksmenAdana TrackersAshumBadiya SkirmishersMärz ArchersRumha SkirmishersRumha WarriorsGaramantian HuntersArmenian SlingersKurdish Archers
Melee Cavalry Amazigh RaidersArabic HorsemenArmoured Camel WarriorsCamel WarriorsDesert ChieftainDesert RaidersDesert WarlordAbuna’s GuardAfar Camel Ridersal-Dawseral-ShahbaArmoured Himyarite ShotelaiBet Giorgis CavalryHimyarite ShotelaiJamal al-BalthaKing's RadifKushite Mounted ShotelaiTuareg Camel SpearmenLakhmid Scouts
Shock Cavaly Amazigh LancersCamel LancersAlmaqah’s LancersDune LancersMavia's BodyguardsMavia’s ChargersMavia’s ChosenMavia’s LancersSandstorm LancersWada’iGaramantian LancersLancers of the OasisClibanarii
Missile Cavalry Desert Mounted JavelinmenDesert Mounted SkirmishersJamal al-RumhaMounted März ArchersZodiac ArchersNoble Numidian Cavalry
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion Onager