The Cannon Range is a type of artillery chain building in Fall of the Samurai.
Honour can be lacking in modern ways of warfare.
A cannon range allows the training of artillery units. During the Napoleonic Wars in Europe, artillery was the main killer of men in battle. Infantry might take and hold ground, cavalry pursue enemies and lend a touch of class to the vulgarity, but it was artillery that did the heavy work when destroying the enemy. This truth remained, even as infantry were given rifles rather than smoothbores: even though infantrymen could now kill their foes at great distances, artillery had developed too. Rifled artillery barrels and explosive shells had become standard issue. Artillery remained the most "technical" of the branches of army service, and the one that, arguably, benefitted most from modern industrial practices.
General Information[]
Requires 1800 koku, 3 turns, empty town slot. Can be upgraded to Field Artillery School.
- Enables Wooden Cannons.
- Recruitment capacity (units in training): +1
Cannon Ranges are the lowest tier of artillery building, unlocking the ability to train Wooden Cannons. Such units are only a small threat to enemy armies in most situations, but are better than nothing and are particularly useful in siege battles. Another benefit cannon ranges provide is increasing recruitment slots by one, speeding up the recruitment of non-artillery units alongside cannons.
Cannon ranges can be upgraded to Field Artillery Schools, which are able to train the much deadlier Parrott Guns.
The artillery chain of buildings is best built in provinces that have the smithing tradition, as they benefit greatly from the increased accuracy provided. Factions that are operating on a small budget may find it useful to build artillery buildings in regions with iron resources, as this grants a discount to training artillery units. Artillery schools are excellent buildings to build in regions specialized as recruitment hubs: even if artillery isn't trained, such regions can benefit from the extra recruitment slot artillery buildings provide. They are considered military buildings, and therefore benefit from events that reduce the construction times and costs of upgrading them.