For the similarly-named Empire: Total War unit, see Carabineers.
Carabiniers are a type of heavy cavalry in Napoleon: Total War.
These elite heavy cavalry are renowned for their swordsmanship and fearsome charge rather than speed.
Though no longer necessarily equipped with carbines, the origin of their name, carabiniers still command respect and fear in equal measure from enemies. Rather than firepower, they have a powerful charge they use to plow through enemies, breaking and scattering men with their straight heavy swords. Their mounts are among the slowest horses used by cavalry, and are best employed in planned attacks rather than the role of reserve cavalry.
Historically, French Carabiniers had royalist roots but, unlike the other royal units, managed to escape abolition during the French Revolution, and instead found a place in France’s newly reorganized cavalry. Despite this, the carabiniers still had some royalist sympathies and frequently clashed with the Revolutionary authorities. When Napoleon came into power he showered them with “armes d’honneur” in order to gain their loyalty. It worked. After the carabiniers sustained casualties in 1809 against the Austrians, Napoleon revised their uniforms, giving them cuirasses and helmets.Resplendent in body armour, these elite horsemen are capable of a shattering charge and excel in melee.
Carabiniers are a brute force unit, used to deal the final blow that drives an enemy from the field of battle. They are excellent close combat troops. Their only weakness is against well-disciplined elite infantry who are capable of forming a square: this combination can prove deadly to this slow-moving unit. As heavy cavalry they are not expected to chase down an enemy, as this is a job better saved for light cavalry forces.
Following the French Revolution, many of the royal corps in the French army were abolished and French carabiniers had every reason to expect that the same fate awaited them. In an attempt to preserve the traditions and privileges of their corps they sent Colonel Comte de Pradel to appeal to the Legislative Assembly. After a vote the new organisation of the French cavalry was decided. The carabiniers remained in service but became known as the ‘Grenadiers des troupes a cheval’ and their gold-trimmed hat was replaced with a peaked bearskin cap.General Information[]
Carabiniers are French, Dutch, Belgian, and Hessian heavy cavalry. French carabiniers differ greatly from their counterparts. They are similar to the Grenadiers à Cheval, with slightly better defensive values, slightly worse attack, and a lower regiment limit. French Carabiniers hold the distinction of having the best defense out of all cavalry in the Napoleon: Total War: if they can reach their targets, unless they are uphill and/or in Square Formation, carabiniers are practically impossible to kill using melee while their stamina holds up. The rest of their stats are formidable, and they are easily counted among the best heavy cavalry in the game. However, they suffer the same weaknesses as other heavy cavalry: their horses are slow-moving and easily exhausted, and die just as easily to musket and artillery fire as other cavalry. Carabiniers are therefore best used charging against targets only at very short range, while being well-shielded from enemy fire until the last moment. The carabiniers' very high cost means that losing them can be a painful proposition.
The United Netherlands, Belgium, and Hessen can also field Carabiniers, who fulfill the similar role of heavy cavalry for their respective armies. However, their stats are considerably worse than French Carabiniers, and they do not inspire nearby units. They compare most similarly to cuirassiers, but with poorer defense. On the other hand, they significantly cheaper, and in the right circumstances they can fill the same roles and thus be more cost-efficient in multiplayer.