Total War Wiki

For other uses of the term, see Castle (Disambiguation).

Castle FOTS

The Castle is a type of castle chain building in Fall of the Samurai.


Although somewhat old-fashioned, a castle represents power as it looms over the homes of the peasantry; this alone helps suppress dissent. The castle also acts as a recruitment centre in a province. During the Sengoku Jidai, castles were the homes of the great provincial lords, the daimyo. Under the Tokugawa Shogunate, castles remained homes, but lost much of their practical use as fortresses. It would be a foolish enemy indeed who laid siege to a castle, given that at least one close member of an attacker's family would be held hostage at the Shogun's pleasure. There was little reason, then, to be afraid of open attack, although assassination remained a constant concern, even under the Tokugawas. Castles were expensive, though, and a good way of flaunting family wealth without openly counting the contents of the treasury. A great deal of prestige was gained by tasteful patronage of arts and crafts, both to beautify the fabric of the building and as objects to display within.

General Information[]

Requires 7200 koku, 8 turns, Fortress. Can be upgraded to Citadel.

  • +15% increase in resistance to naval bombardment
  • Recruitment capacity (units in training): +1
  • +7 to repression in this province

Spawned Garrisons:

Castles are even better defended than fortresses, providing an extra layer of walls that defenders must climb to access the capture point of the castle. This extra layer works well with rifle and musket-armed troops, as they can fire on attackers still climbing the first wall and whittle down the numbers before they make it to the second.

Castles provide marginally more repression than fortresses, but this is nowhere near worth the cost of building a castle. Training a single levy infantry regiment provides the same amount of repression, and is over 90% cheaper even on the hardest difficulties.

Castles, along with all castle line buildings, cannot be demolished. However, they may still be damaged through sabotage or raids. They are considered military buildings, and therefore benefit from events that reduce the construction times and costs of upgrading them.

Fall of the Samurai Buildings
Town Buildings Settlement: TownLarge TownCityMunicipalityPrefecture Castle: StrongholdFortressCastleCitadelStar Fort Business: InnGambling DenRichi Mahjong ParlourYakuza OfficeMarketFinancial DistrictJunin Ryogae Industrial: Cottage IndustryCotton Weaving ShedCraft WorkshopSilk Weaving ShedFactoryCotton Processing PlantSilk Manufactory Modern Military: Cadet SchoolBarracksMilitary AcademyArmy War College Propaganda: Police StationMagistrateSecret SocietyShikoyoku OfficePolice OfficeMilitary SocietyDaily NewsShinsengumi Headquarters Artillery: Cannon RangeField Artillery SchoolArtillery AcademyArsenal Traditional Military: Traditional DojoSamurai DojoMaster DojoLegendary Dojo Improvement: Training CampDrill SchoolFiring RangeGeneral Staff HeadquartersJujutsu HallMilitary Hospital Defense: Matchlock TowersGatling Gun TowersGun Batteries
Specialty Buildings Clay: ClaypitsClay KilnBrickworksPotteries Coal: Open-pit Coal FaceDeep-seam Coal MineCoking Plant Copper: Open-pit Copper MineCopper RefineryAnode FurnaceSmelting Mill Gold: Placer DepositsGoldfieldsMintOre Processing Plant Holy Site: Buddhist ShrineBuddhist TempleBuddhist Temple Complex Iron: Iron Ore MineDeep-seam Iron MineIron Smelting PlantSteel Mill Railway: Telegraph OfficeRailway StationNational Railway Company Silk: Worm FarmRaw Silk ThreadmakerSericulturist Silver: Lead Ore MineSilver Smelting PlantProofing HouseSilver Vault Smith: BlacksmithIron WorksArmourerGunsmith Smuggling: Smugglers' CoveCriminal DenYakuza Hideout Tea: Tea PlantationMatcha PlantTea Exporter
Other buildings Farm: Subsistence FarmingTenant FieldsCommercial FarmingZaibatsu Fields Port: HarbourPortMilitary PortDrydockTrading PortAmerican Trading DistrictBritish Trading DistrictFrench Trading District