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Celtic Axe Band are a type of melee infantry in Total War: Attila.


"One axe can topple a tree. Many can level the forest."

Celtic warriors were ideally equipped to hack through even heavily-armoured foes. Their axes took one of two forms: one-handed axes were typical, and the most practical, but two-handed axes were also used. In comparison to swords, axes were cheap to make, and were effective against chainmail, as a blow could still shatter bone and crush the organs beneath the armour. They could also be used to pull aside shields, or hack them apart. Like other Celtic troops, the lightly-armoured axemen relied on their own shields for defence. There was a long tradition, perhaps dating as far back as the Stone Age, of veneration for axes and hammers in Celtic cultures. Although both were associated with strength, axes in particular were used as grave goods and even depicted on coins celebrating victories.

Strength and Weaknesses[]

  • Good Missile Block Chance
  • Good Armour
  • Low Health

Base Stats[]

Celtic Axe Band
Number of Men: 160
Morale: 34
Bonus HP: 3
Melee Attack: 43
Melee Defense: 5
Charge Bonus: 50
Reload: 0
Ammunition: 0
Medium Infantry
Hit Points: 90
Mass: 100
Walk Speed: 14
Run Speed: 33
Charge Speed: 45
Charge Distance: 35

Weapons and Gear[]

Melee Weapon
Damage: 16
Armour Penetration Damage: 16
Bonus vs Infantry: 10
Bonus vs Cavalry: 0
Bonus vs Elephants: 0
Building damage: 0.1
Large Oval Shield
Melee Defence: 7
Armour: 35
Missile Block Chance: 50
Armour: 3



Ability Attila Guerrilla Deployment Guerrilla Deployment
This unit can deploy outside of the deployment zone.
Ability Attila Hide (forest) Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Total War: Attila Celtic Units
Melee Infantry Black BladesCaledonian AxemenCateran BrigadeCeltic Axe BandCeltic Axe WarriorsCeltic BandCeltic BerserkersCeltic NoblesCeltic WarbandCeltic WarlordCeltic WarriorsCeltic WoodrunnersFiannaFollowers of MorriganGallowglassesGazehoundsHorse WhisperersKing's WarbandPictish AxemenPictish BerserkersPictish SwordsmenScatha's TeachersSighthound SpearsWolfhound Spearmen
Spear Infantry Celtic LevyCeltic SpearmenCeltic Spears
Missile Infantry Celtic ArchersCeltic BowsCeltic BrigandsCeltic CrossbowsCeltic SkirmishersEbdani RaidersElite Highland ArchersHighland ArchersKernsNoble ArchersRoyal ArchersRighdamhna
Melee Cavalry King's FiannaMormaer Cavalry
Missile Cavalry Celtic Cavalry RaidersChosen RaidersEbdani Cavalry RaidersMounted Spear RaidersRound Shield Raiders
Siege Artillery Celtic OnagerBastion Onager