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Celtic Warlord are a type of melee infantry in Total War: Attila.


"Nobles can afford the best armour and weaponry, making them a formidable force."

A Celtic tribesman reached manhood at fourteen years of age and, depending on his status, he could carry arms from then on. Nobles could also recruit their own following, building both reputation and influence through their clients, but proving their worth in battle was the start. Without bravery in a potential leader, no freeman would follow. A man's future, if he lived, was therefore entirely dependent on his showing in battle, and this led to bravery being a commonplace occurrence. Like their elders, Celtic youths were not above goading their opponents with insults and taunts, and they used 'carnyx' battle horns to instil fear in their foes. Inexperience, as with all young men, led them to sometimes act rashly where a little caution might have served them better.

Strength and Weaknesses[]

  • Excellent Capture Power
  • Excellent Armour
  • Average Missile Block Chance

Base Stats[]

Celtic Warlord
Number of Men: 160
Morale: 43
Bonus HP: 53
Melee Attack: 14
Melee Defense: 14
Charge Bonus: 14
Reload: 0
Ammunition: 0
Heavy Infantry
Hit Points: 90
Mass: 150
Walk Speed: 13
Run Speed: 32
Charge Speed: 40
Charge Distance: 35

Weapons and Gear[]

Melee Weapon
Damage: 36
Armour Penetration Damage: 4
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 0
Bonus vs Elephants: 0
Building damage: 0.066
Large Round Shield
Melee Defence: 5
Armour: 37
Missile Block Chance: 35
Heavy Armour
Armour: 20



Ability Attila Guerrilla Deployment Guerrilla Deployment
This unit can deploy outside of the deployment zone.
Ability Attila Hide (forest) Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Ability Attila Raider Raider
This unit may set buildings on fire, cause more fire damage with torches and capture faster than other units.
Total War: Attila Celtic Units
Melee Infantry Black BladesCaledonian AxemenCateran BrigadeCeltic Axe BandCeltic Axe WarriorsCeltic BandCeltic BerserkersCeltic NoblesCeltic WarbandCeltic WarlordCeltic WarriorsCeltic WoodrunnersFiannaFollowers of MorriganGallowglassesGazehoundsHorse WhisperersKing's WarbandPictish AxemenPictish BerserkersPictish SwordsmenScatha's TeachersSighthound SpearsWolfhound Spearmen
Spear Infantry Celtic LevyCeltic SpearmenCeltic Spears
Missile Infantry Celtic ArchersCeltic BowsCeltic BrigandsCeltic CrossbowsCeltic SkirmishersEbdani RaidersElite Highland ArchersHighland ArchersKernsNoble ArchersRoyal ArchersRighdamhna
Melee Cavalry King's FiannaMormaer Cavalry
Missile Cavalry Celtic Cavalry RaidersChosen RaidersEbdani Cavalry RaidersMounted Spear RaidersRound Shield Raiders
Siege Artillery Celtic OnagerBastion Onager