Total War Wiki
Total War Wiki

Hence, loathèd Melancholy,
Of Cerberus and blackest Midnight born,
In Stygian cave forlorn,
‘Mongst horrid shapes, and shrieks, and sights unholy.
— L'Allegro by John Milton

Cerberus is a mythical creature in a Total War Saga: Troy, part of the Mythos Expansion Pack.

The Mythic Expedition for Cerberus will, unsurprisingly, take the player to the very threshold of the Underworld. The journey there will be followed in the footsteps of myth and met with obstacles both mundane and divine.


Cerberus is brother to the Hydra and son of Typhon himself, the inconceivable creature who single-handedly challenged all Olympians and almost defeated them. It is said that Cerberus is in fact a hundred-headed beast, yet no more than three of his heads can be perceived at any one time.

Still, he howls and groans with the throats of all the shades which have well and truly lost all sense of selfhood since laying eyes upon him at the gates of the Underworld. Such shades are forever bound to the Guardian of the Gates.

No one really knows what could happen once Cerberus and his shades have well and truly crossed over into the lands of the living – only that when souls flow out, other must flow in, and that wherever the Hound is, Hell is there, too.

