Total War Wiki

For the Napoleon: Total War unit, see Chasseurs à Cheval (Napoleon: Total War).

Chasseurs a Cheval Icon

Chasseurs à Cheval are a type of missile cavalry in Empire: Total War.


Light cavalry are used to screen an army and act as its eyes and ears; they can also pursue fleeing enemies and keep them from regrouping.

These horsemen have many national titles, and military fashion plays a huge part in their employment and naming; light horse, chasseurs a cheval, chevau-legers, even hussars and dragoons are used as titles by light cavalry forces. Regardless of the name, their purpose, tactics and equipment usually have much in common. They disdain armour, even the sensible steel skull caps favoured by many beneath their offically sanctioned tricornes and helmets. They carry swords, carbines and pistols, but they are not expected to charge home, merely harass and pursue enemies. Their horses are always fast with good endurance, well bred and well looked after; a cavalryman without his horse is, after all, useless. Traditionally, light cavalry forces also undertook the role of communications for an army. Their speedy horses made them ideal for carrying messages between camps, or as gallopers on the battlefield. They were also among the most "dandified" of soldiers, and light cavalry uniforms of the period are some of the gaudiest ever created. This made recruitment easy, because prospective troopers could see what a dashing figure they would cut for the ladies!

General Information[]

Chasseurs à Cheval are the rough French equivalent of Light Dragoons in that they are missile cavalry. In this sense, however, they are inferior to Light Dragoons due to their inferior numbers per regiment.

Empire: Total War Cavalry
Light Cavalry 2nd HussarsBarawardiColonial Light CavalryCossack Ataman CavalryDeath's Head HussarsHakkapeliitaHungarian HussarsHussarsMamelukesPoligarWallachian Boyars
Medium Cavalry Company CavalryProvincial CavalryRegiment of Horse
Heavy Cavalry Chief's BodyguardCircassian Armoured CavalryCuirassiersGarde du CorpGarde du Corps (France)Garde du Corps (Prussia)Garde à ChevalGeneral's Bodyguard (Eastern)General's Bodyguard (Indian)General's Bodyguard (Western)Guardias de CorpsHeavy CavalryHorse Guards (Great Britain)Horse Guards (United Provinces)Household CavalryLife GuardsLife Guards of HorseRajput ZamindarWinged Hussars
Lancer Cavalry AhadisBargir LancersBosniaksChevaux-légersEast India Company LancersNative American LancersNative Indian CavalryNative LancersPulaski's LegionSilladar LancersSipahisUhlans
Mounted Infantry and Missile Cavalry 2nd Continental Light DragoonsApache Mescalero WarriorsBrunswick DragoonsCarabineersChasseurs à ChevalCheyenne Dog SoldiersColonial DragoonsComanche Mounted WarriorsCreek Horse RidersCrow Horse WarriorsDeli HorsemenDragoonsKalmuksLee's LegionLibyan KulogluLight DragoonsMounted Nizam-I CeditMounted Tribal AuxiliaryMounted Tribal GunnersNavajo Scout WarriorsOjibwa Horse WarriorsOnondaga Fire KeepersPindari HorsemenPioneer RaidersQizilbashi CavalryTarleton's Light DragoonsTatarsZamindari Horsemen
Other Cavalry Camel NomadsElephant MusketeersShaturnal Camel GunnersWar Elephants