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Chevau-Légers Lancers NTW Icon

Chevau-Légers Lancers are a type of lancer cavalry in Napoleon: Total War and The Peninsular Campaign.


These cavalrymen are each armed with a lance, which make them particularly deadly when charging.

The lance is probably among the oldest of cavalry weapons. It gives the user a chance to put all his weight and that of his charging horse into one very sharp point. A lance that can, in skilled hands, be driven right through any enemy. When coupled with the fast pace of their horses, a lancer’s charge is very intimidating. However, if the lancer does not kill his target, he leaves himself vulnerable. A long lance is less use in a melee than a sword, and a lancer is at a disadvantage once the close fighting starts, especially against well-trained infantry capable of forming square.

Historically, many nations used lancers. The French army adopted lancers with some enthusiasm, and Napoleon even included Polish lancers in his Imperial Guard. In India the lance had long been used as a weapon: lancer skills were often practiced by “pegging”, picking tent pegs out of the ground with the lance tip, or “pig-sticking”, the hunting of wild pigs or even wild dogs with the lance.

General Information[]

Chevau-Légers Lancers are the standard lancer cavalry available to France, and the only type of lancer available to France in unlimited numbers. They are also the lancers cheapest to field for France, with the poorest (though still formidable) statistics. As with all lancers, Chevau-Légers Lancers possess an extremely high charging bonus, making their initial attack devastating if they can build up enough momentum; however, their poor melee skill and defence mean that they suffer if caught in a protracted melee. Compared to lancers in other factions, Chevau-Légers Lancers have superior statistics in every category but are more expensive to field. This is particularly important in custom battles, where France's other expensive units contend with its lancers.

In The Peninsular Campaign, Chevau-Légers Lancers are replaced by Vistula Uhlans.

Napoleon: Total War Cavalry
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