Total War Wiki

Companion Cavalry are a type of heavy cavalry unit available to Macedon and the Seleucid Empire in Rome: Total War.


Companion Cavalry are a social and military elite, and fight as heavy cavalry using shock and mass to break enemy units. They are the direct heirs to the Companions of Alexander the Great and his father, Philip of Macedon, and they revel in this proud heritage.

The Companions ride the best horses and have the finest armour available; each is armed with a good lance and a sword for close combat. As heavy cavalry they can be a decisive arm of battle, and are able to charge down many opponents. They are best used as shock cavalry to break wavering enemy formations, but do need to be careful - as with all cavalry - when attacking spearmen. Bravery is of little use when galloping straight onto a row of gleaming spear points!

Traditionally these men would be given land grants after great victories, giving them a personal stake in the battle's outcome.
