Grand Temple of Confucius
Confucian Temples is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It is one of the simplest and smallest building chains in the game. It provides public order and a small reduction to the construction cost of Economic Buildings.
Building Chain[]

Confucian Shrine
Confucian Shrine (level 1)[]
Self-correction serves the community. A Confucian shrine enriches the lives of all in this village. Confucius believed that all have the capacity for goodness, and only study is needed to release their inherent moral and virtuous nature. Confucius did not consider himself a philosophical prophet, but instead a transmitter of ideas from history. Therefore, this shrine’s function is not to worship Confucius himself, but rever his teachings. In practicing those teachings, the shrine’s worshippers improve the lives of those around them by treating all as equals.
Upkeep: 10
Cost: 900
- +4 public order
- -10% economic buildings construction cost reduction

Confucian Temple
Confucian Temple (level 2)[]
Inner and outer life are equal. A Confucian temple is a place of peace dedicated to the study of Confucius’ teachings. These encourage the cultivation of a social conscience so that all relations – social, political and cultural – are viewed through the same lens. In doing this, equal importance is applied to the inner and outer life of each person, and all gain an understanding that goodness comes from reconciling outer and inner concerns, state and family, and that no subject should be considered without those principles in mind.
Upkeep: 20
Cost: 1400
- +8 public order
- -10% economic buildings construction cost reduction
Unlocks Reform: Mastery of Ceremonies

Grand Temple of Confucius
Grand Temple of Confucius (level 3)[]
The past informs the future. The construction of a Confucian grand temple benefits all that live in this city; those that study here learn self-cultivation and social awareness, and this enlightened outlook improves their relations to others around them, making for a happier, more contented populace. The temple is a show of dedication to the teachings of Confucius; an implicit embracement of history’s ideas about morality and virtue, and a promise to abide by them by restoring balance to the inner and outer life.
Upkeep: 50
Cost: 2700
- +16 public order
- -10% economic buildings construction cost reduction
Requires Reform: Principles of Wu Wei