Total War Wiki
TW3K Training Camp

Training Camp

Conscription is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It is one of the most limited building chains, containing only three buildings. Its purpose is to allow for more seasonal retinue deployments, a lower redeployment cost, higher ranked recruits and a slight reduction in construction cost for Government Building.

Building Chain[]

TW3K Conscription Office

Conscription Office

Conscription Office (level 1)[]

Marshal the able-bodied to serve their country. A conscription office eases the complex administrative duties of summoning and registering conscripts. As farmers must gather surplus straw from the harvest before it can be weaved into purposeful items, so must the able-bodied be assembled for military service. If China is ever to be healed, a military force is needed to shepherd the flock back onto the righteous path, and without a standing army, those ranks must be filled through conscription, even if some ‘volunteers’ are convicted criminals serving sentences!

Upkeep: None

Cost: 1000

  • +2 starting rank for all recruits (local armies)
  • -10% government buildings construction cost reduction

TW3K Training Field

Training Field

Training Field (level 2)[]

Without discipline, a military force is no more than an armed mob. Some are born with a fierce heart and will, yet all still need to learn basic combat skills to fight as an army. To instil discipline and comradeship, conscripts are roused as the sun is still rising and marched in formation out to the training field. Bellowed commands shake any remaining sleep from the conscripts as they are drilled, and officers observe the training closely, to best determine which arm – infantry, cavalry or navy – each conscript may best serve in, quickening the process of recruitment.

Upkeep: None

Cost: 2000

  • +1 seasonal retinue deployments (faction-wide)
  • +2 starting rank for all recruits (local armies)
  • -10% government buildings construction cost reduction

TW3K Training Camp

Training Camp

Training Camp (level 3)[]

An army that lives as one, fights as one. On the battlefield, every soldier’s life depends on the others; mutual trust is vital, and all must fight as family. Such bonds are formed in a training camp, where recruits live and train together, safe from the petty distractions of the civilian populace. Here, the recruits gain military pride and forge bonds with each other. After all, if the temptation of gambling or alcohol from the town proves too much to resist, discrete and loyal friends are invaluable to cover an absence from the next morning’s drill.

Upkeep: None

Cost: 2000

  • +2 seasonal retinue deployments (faction-wide)
  • -5% redeploment cost (faction-wide)
  • +3 starting rank for all recruits (local armies)
  • -10% government buildings construction cost reduction

Requires Reform: Garrison Conscripts
