Coraceros Espanoles are a type of heavy cavalry in The Peninsular Campaign.
Coraceros Españoles are powerful heavy cavalry, who wear cuirasses for protection and for extra weight in their devastating charge.
The flash of the Coraceros Españoles’ swords, and the gleam of their breastplates, may very well be the last thing an enemy ever sees, such is the finality of their charge! They are relatively slow moving because they are heavyweights, but when it comes to punching holes in an enemy’s defences, they are almost unmatched. Once their charge is over they can stay and fight in melee. They are exceptional warriors, and need only show due caution when facing guard cavalry or elite infantry.
The Coraceros Españoles claimed their uniforms, armour and weapons from captured French cuirassiers after the Battle of Mollet in 1810. A lack of funds, along with losses of men and horses during the war, often meant that the Spanish army was short of supplies, despite receiving considerable support from the British. This was particularly true for cavalry units, where some cavalrymen had to actually serve on foot due to a lack of suitable horses!
General Information[]
Appearing only in The Peninsular Campaign, Coraceros Espanoles are the only heavy cavalry available to Spain; Spain does not have access to its heavy cavalry in the Europe Campaign, the Horse Guards and the Guardias da Corp. They are marginally inferior in every way to their French counterparts, the Cuirassiers, but are defensively superior to anything that Great Britain and Portugal can field. Like other heavy cavalry, they boast impressive melee and defensive statistics, but have only an average charging bonus and are fatigued easily. They are best used when charging the flank or rear of a distracted enemy, and they are vulnerable to charging prepared infantry from the front or targets arrayed in Square Formation.
In The Peninsular Campaign, one regiment of Coraceros Espanoles is stationed with the Spanish army in the region of Valencia. They are the only heavy cavalry available to Spain for a significant period of time, as more can only be trained with high-tier recruitment facilities.
In custom battles, Coraceros Espanoles are once again the only heavy cavalry Spain can field. They are relatively cheap for heavy cavalry, but are still some of the most expensive units in Spain's roster.
- The unit's name is misspelled in-game. The proper spelling is Coraceros Españoles, with a virgulilla above the n.