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Cottage Industry FOTS

The Cottage Industry is a type of industrial chain building in Fall of the Samurai.


The weaver, the potter, and the smith at his forge work for the good of all.

Cottage industry adds to the wealth of a province. The craftsmen use traditional methods, but do so very efficiently and in close cooperation with merchants and traders. Their goods can be sold in many places, even though each man may only make a few items.

History shows that cottage industries are the natural precursor to an industrial revolution. Each weaver, potter or smith may work in his own shop, but with many of them in a small area, they can produce large quantities of goods even though their machinery is not mechanised or modernised. Each family tends to specialise in one part of craft process, so that a potter will make pottery, which is then sold on to a decorator or painter, and in turn sold on when fired to a merchant. There is, in effect, a production line, but one split across small workshops. While this meant that craftsmen could make more goods and so more money, they were not in a position to compete against water or steam-powered factories and their enormous outputs. The same pattern of craftsmen being driven out of markets and overwhelmed by the relatively cheap goods from factories was repeated in Japan. As with the original Industrial Revolution, many craftsmen were forced to take work in the new factories, or face starvation.

General Information[]

Requires 1,200 koku, 3 turns, empty town slot. Can be upgraded to Cotton Weaving Shed, Craft Workshop, or Silk Weaving Shed.

  • +560 to wealth generated by industrial buildings in this province
  • -1 to happiness from modernisation

Clan Effects

  • +1 to modernisation (clan development)

Cottage industries add a modest amount of wealth to regions they're built in for a relatively small investment. They're among the most profitable buildings for cost at the beginning of the campaign, but building them decreases region happiness. They're best built in regions with good public order that are far from hostile factions. They're also among the cheapest and most easily accessible ways to increase modernisation. Cottage industries compete with inns and police stations, for non-military buildings for construction slots, making a negative impact on public order in return for better wealth generation.

Cottage industries pay for themselves in 11-12 turns, depending on if their decrease to happiness would require additional garrison troops. 

Fall of the Samurai Buildings
Town Buildings Settlement: TownLarge TownCityMunicipalityPrefecture Castle: StrongholdFortressCastleCitadelStar Fort Business: InnGambling DenRichi Mahjong ParlourYakuza OfficeMarketFinancial DistrictJunin Ryogae Industrial: Cottage IndustryCotton Weaving ShedCraft WorkshopSilk Weaving ShedFactoryCotton Processing PlantSilk Manufactory Modern Military: Cadet SchoolBarracksMilitary AcademyArmy War College Propaganda: Police StationMagistrateSecret SocietyShikoyoku OfficePolice OfficeMilitary SocietyDaily NewsShinsengumi Headquarters Artillery: Cannon RangeField Artillery SchoolArtillery AcademyArsenal Traditional Military: Traditional DojoSamurai DojoMaster DojoLegendary Dojo Improvement: Training CampDrill SchoolFiring RangeGeneral Staff HeadquartersJujutsu HallMilitary Hospital Defense: Matchlock TowersGatling Gun TowersGun Batteries
Specialty Buildings Clay: ClaypitsClay KilnBrickworksPotteries Coal: Open-pit Coal FaceDeep-seam Coal MineCoking Plant Copper: Open-pit Copper MineCopper RefineryAnode FurnaceSmelting Mill Gold: Placer DepositsGoldfieldsMintOre Processing Plant Holy Site: Buddhist ShrineBuddhist TempleBuddhist Temple Complex Iron: Iron Ore MineDeep-seam Iron MineIron Smelting PlantSteel Mill Railway: Telegraph OfficeRailway StationNational Railway Company Silk: Worm FarmRaw Silk ThreadmakerSericulturist Silver: Lead Ore MineSilver Smelting PlantProofing HouseSilver Vault Smith: BlacksmithIron WorksArmourerGunsmith Smuggling: Smugglers' CoveCriminal DenYakuza Hideout Tea: Tea PlantationMatcha PlantTea Exporter
Other buildings Farm: Subsistence FarmingTenant FieldsCommercial FarmingZaibatsu Fields Port: HarbourPortMilitary PortDrydockTrading PortAmerican Trading DistrictBritish Trading DistrictFrench Trading District