The Cotton Processing Plant is a type of industrial chain building in Fall of the Samurai.
A loom can weave a new future.
A cotton processing plant adds substantially to the wealth of a province, and significantly helps industry to grow. Cotton is not a native plant to Japan, so this building implies more contact with outsiders, making the process of modernising slightly easier. Access to cotton is required before the plant can be built, and only one can be constructed.
As far as textile production was concerned, the Industrial Revolution was almost a century old by the time of the Meiji Restoration, depending on which invention is considered to mark the start of the process. Cotton and woollen mills in England had, by 1850, contributed a huge amount to the wealth of the nation and encouraged a second wave of industrial innovation in railways, shipping and machine making. Across the Atlantic, "King Cotton", and the demand for raw cotton from slave-owning American states, helped convince the Confederate States of America that they could secede and pay for a war. Cotton, such an inoffensive plant, remade the world in the space of only a few generations.
General Information[]
Requires 12000 gold, 14 turns, Factory.
- +2200 to wealth generated by industrial buildings in this province
- +15 per turn to town growth from industrial buildings within this province
- -3 to happiness from modernisation
Clan Effects
- +6 to modernisation (clan development)
Cotton processing plants provide a very large boost to wealth and town growth, though they are quite expensive to build and decrease region happiness. They pay for themselves in 67-71 turns, depending on whether the extra unhappiness necessitates the training and maintaining of garrison troops. While this seems slow on paper, the tremendous wealth they generate over time means very large profits in the long run.
Only one cotton processing plant may be built, though a faction can own multiple cotton processing plants if it captures provinces that have more. Given their limited availability, it is best to build cotton processing plants in factions with a high level settlement building, to take advantage of the higher tax rates, and/or a province with high public order to counteract the hit to happiness caused from constructing this building.
Capturing provinces with cotton processing plants is an extremely lucrative action. In some cases it is worth letting a province with a cotton processing have a successful rebellion, just to build another cotton processing plant elsewhere and recapturing the rebel province.