For the Empire: Total War technology, see Diamond Formation (Empire: Total War).
Diamond Formation is a technology in formation type in Napoleon: Total War.
An improved method for positioning and manoeuvring a cavalry unit, so that it may change direction with expedition.
A diamond formation, as the name suggests, is a way of employing all the men of a cavalry unit to best effect. Rather than being arranged as a simple wedge, point towards the enemy, the unit tapers off from its broadest point. Even though the riders may be knee-to-knee to maximise the shock of impact should a charge connect with a target, a diamond-formed unit can change direction quickly. This is not true with the earlier cavalry wedge, the members of which find any kind of wheeling turn difficult to execute.
Historically, the Swedes were among the leaders in European cavalry tactics at the start of the 18th Century; King Charles XII was all in favour of closely packed, large cavalry formations as he believed that these could break the enemy by fear alone. There was debate among military men in other nations too: in Britain the Duke of Marlborough favoured his cavalry charging home with cold steel, rather than relying on fear or bullets to do their terrible work.
General Information[]
Diamond Formation replaces the earlier Wedge Formation. Cavalry in diamond formation have a weaker charging attack, and diamond formation ostensibly increases the responsiveness with which orders may be issued to them.