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Eastern Factions in Total War: Attila are always settled, with the exception of the Tanukhids. For the religious buidlings, see the specific religion under religion. For resource buildings, see Resources.

All Settlements[]


Tier Name Cost Public order Sanitation Food Food per local fertility level Wealth (from agriculture or animal husbandry ) Wealth per local fertility level (from agriculture or animal husbandry ) Bonus
1 Fields 1000 0 0 10 8 30 30
2 Wheat Fields 1500 -1 -1 20 18 30 30
Sheep Flock 1500 -1 -1 30 5 450 60
Camel Herd 1500 -1 -1 70 0 300 0
Horse Breeder 1500 -1 -1 30 6 240 70 Horse breeding I: +5% battle speed for cavalry unit recruits
3 Wheat Farm 2500 -3 -3 30 26 50 50
Sheep Pens 2500 -3 -3 40 6 780 105
Camel Farm 2500 -3 -3 100 0 500 0
Stables 2500 -3 -3 40 8 420 125 Horse breeding I: +10% battle speed for cavalry unit recruits
4 Wheat Querns 4000 -5 -5 40 34 80 80
Sheep Barn 4000 -5 -5 50 7 1250 165
Camel Ranch 4000 -5 -5 130 0 825 0
Nisean Stables 4000 -5 -5 50 10 650 200 Horse breeding I: +15% battle speed for cavalry unit recruits

Province Capital[]


Tier Name Cost Food Growth Public order Sanitation Wealth (from subsistence) Units Bonus
1 Small City 3000 -30 2 3 -1 300 Desert LevyPersian Levy Road Development: 10
2 City 6000 -60 4 4 -2 400 Road Development: 20
3 Large City 9000 -100 6 5 -3 500 Amazigh Spearmen Road Development: 50
4 Royal City 12000 -140 8 6 -4 600 Road Development: 60

City Azedan Recruitment[]

Tier Name Cost Food Army Recruitment capacity Units
1 Cavalry Corral 2500 0 1 Camel WarriorsDesert Mounted SkirmishersPersian Cataphracts
2 Azadan Barracks 4000 -20 1 Arabic HorsemenGaramantian LancersPersian Mounted BowmenPersian Mounted Warriors
3 Azadan Compound 7000 -50 1 Camel LancersArmoured Himyarite ShotelaiDune LancersHimyarite ShotelaiIndian ElephantsSavaran Cavalry
4 Royal Stables 11500 -100 2 Sandstorm LancersKushite Mounted ShotelaiNoble Numidian CavalryArmoured Indian ElephantsPushtighban CataphractsZhayedan Immortal Cavalry

Military Upgrades[]

Tier Name Cost Public Order Sanitation Unit Experience (for all recruits) Bonus Units
1 Supply Storage 2000 0 0 1
2 Armourer 3000 -2 -2 1 Shield crafting I: +5% shield effectiveness for shield-bearing unit recruitsArmour smithing I: +5% armour for all unit recruits
Blacksmith 3000 -2 -2 1 Weaponsmithing I: +5% melee damage for all unit recruits
Carpenter 3000 -2 -2 1 Fletching I: +5% ammunition for missile unit recruitsHull strength: +5% Onager
3 Armoury 5000 -4 -4 1 Shield crafting II: +10% shield effectiveness for shield-bearing unit recruitsArmour smithing II: +10% armour for all unit recruits
Weaponsmith 5000 -4 -4 1 Weaponsmithing II: +10% melee damage for all unit recruits
Carpentry Workshop 5000 -4 -4 1 Fletching II: +10% ammunition for missile unit recruitsHull strength: +10% Large OnagerCheiroballistra
4 Royal Armoury 8000 -8 -8 1 Shield crafting III: +15% shield effectiveness for shield-bearing unit recruitsArmour smithing III: +15% armour for all unit recruits
Royal Weaponsmith 8000 -8 -8 1 Weaponsmithing III: +15% melee damage for all unit recruits
Siege Workshop 8000 -8 -8 1 Fletching III: +15% ammunition for missile unit recruitsHull strength: +20%

City Infantry Recruits[]

Tier Name Cost Food Army Recruitment Capacity Unit Experience (for all recruits) Units Only Available For
1 Training Grounds 2000 0 1 0 Desert HurlersAfar SwordsmenDesert Hurlers
2 Infantry Quarters 3000 -20 1 0 Desert BowmenDesert Legionary DefectorsBaltha DefendersBaltha WarriorsDailamite WarriorsPersian Skirmishers
3 Infantry Barracks 5000 -50 1 0 Elite Nubian ArchersBadiya SkirmishersJamal al-RumhaNaft Throwers
4 Royal Barracks 8000 -100 2 0 Desert Palatina DefectorsDesert ShotelaiImmortalsRoyal Persian ArchersHetaireia Guards
5 Dwelling of the Khayyalim 10000 -100 2 3 KhahyahlimSahnegohrimZealot Sicarius HimyarHimyar
Abode of Sham's Champions 10000 -100 2 3 Afar RaidmastersAlmaqah's LancersAthar's ChosenBeher's ChosenSons of the Invincible MahremZodiac Archers HimyarHimyar AksumAksum
House of the Hagia Matakas 10000 -100 2 3 Abuna's GuardAl-DawserBet Giorgis CavalryMäsqäl SpearmenSana'i AksumAksum LakhmidsLakhmids
Palace of the Amesha Spenta 10000 -100 2 3 Al-ShahbaWada'i LakhmidsLakhmids

Minor Settlement[]


Tier Name Cost Food Growth Public order Sanitation Wealth (from subsistence) Units Bonus
1 Hamlet 2400 -10 0 0 0 150 Desert LevyPersian Levy Road Development: 5
2 Village 3600 -20 1 2 0 200 Road Development: 10
3 Town 4800 -40 2 3 -1 250 Amazigh Spearmen Road Development: 30
4 Country Town 6000 -80 3 4 -2 300 Road Development: 40


Tier Name Cost Food Public order Sanitation Wealth (from maritime commerce) Wealth (from commerce) Navy Recruitment Capacity Units Bonus
1 Jetty 2000 0 0 0 225 0
2 Military Jetties 3000 0 0 -2 0 0 +1
Fishing Jetties 3000 50 -2 -2 450 0
Trade Jetties 3000 0 -2 -2 450 450 Road Development: 15
3 Military Warf 5000 0 0 -4 0 0 +1 Unit experience: +1 for all ship recruits
Fishing Warf 5000 70 -4 -4 750 0
Trade Warf 5000 0 -4 -4 750 750 Road Development: 25
4 Military Port 8000 0 0 -6 0 0 +2 Unit experience: +2 for all ship recruits
Fishing Port 8000 90 -6 -6 1250 0
Trade Port 8000 0 -6 -6 1250 1250 Road Development: 40

Total War: Attila Campaign
Mechanics Campaign GameplayReligionResources
Religions Arian ChristianityEastern ChristianityGreek ChristianityLatin ChristianityJudaismManichaeismZoroastrianismGerman PaganismCeltic PaganismRoman PaganismSemitic PaganismSlavic PaganismTengrismMinor Religions
Buildings Nomadic BuildingsRoman BuildingsEastern BuildingsBarbarian Buildings
Resources DyesDyes DyesGemstonesGemstones GemstonesGoldGold GoldSaltSalt SaltSpicesSpices SpicesIronIron IronLeadLead LeadFursFurs Furs

MarbleMarble MarbleOlive OilOlive Oil Olive OilSilkSilk SilkTimberTimber TimberWineWine Wine

Other List of Provinces