Egypt is a playable faction featured in Total War: Rome II Imperator Augustus.
Faction Bonus[]
Successor Kingdoms Bonus
- Successor Conflict: +10% morale for all units during battles against Hellenic factions
- Alexander's Legacy: -20% resistance to foreign occupation
Initial Challenge: Normal
Sub-Faction Bonus[]
Ptolemaic Dynasty
One of Alexander the Great's generals, Ptolemy, was father to the current Egyptian ruler. Under his reign Ptolemaic Egypt remains rich, powerful, and influential.
- Foreign Dynasty: +25% public order penalty due to presence of foreign cultures
- Ptolemaic Enlightenment: +10% research rate
- Naval Prowess: +1 experience rank Egyptian ship recruits
Other Families
The Ptolemaic court is a complicated blend of imported Greek nobility and an increasingly-Hellenize, native Egyptian aristocracy.
In-Game Encyclopedia[]
Successor Kingdoms
After Alexander's death, his mightiest generals tore apart his empire as they fought for it. Over the years the claims and counter-claims of legitimacy deepened the rivalry between the Successors. While all claimed to be Greek and promoted Hellenization in their kingdoms, each also claimed to be the one true inheritor of Alexander's legacy...
Ptolemaic Egypt was one of the most impressive cultural and economic powers in the Mediterranean. By combining local customs with the sponsorship of the finest minds in the Hellenistic world, Ptolemy married the grandeur of ancient empire with modern sophistication. However, Egypt’s power has waned, and her rulers court Roman support to validate their claims. Cleopatra has exploited this masterfully, ushering in a peace that maximizes Egypt’s trade and agricultural might. With the right leader at the helm to marshal these resources, Egypt could even rise beyond the heights of its former supremacy!
Starting Regions[]
- Alexandria
- Memphis
- Myos Hormos
- Diospolis
- Paraitonion
You are Egypt[]
Egypt's present may be a pale imitation of its past glory, but its future greatness is in your hands. You must restore your ancient holdings in Africa and in the east. Your greatest ally in this endeavor will be the Roman general, Mark Antony. He will deal with the ever-expansionist Parthians, enabling you to turn and dispatch the troublesome Nasamones to the west. While Judea and Nabatea remain Antony's protectorates, east Africa and Arabia will be your for the taking. However, be mindful of Lepidus lurking in the west, as once the Triumvirate breaks down he may seek to add Egypt into his African domain. This must not allowed to be allowed to happen; ensure that the Champions of Ma'at are ever victorious!
General Units
- African War Elephants
- Galatians Royal Guard
- Ptolemaic Cavalry
- Hellenic Royal Guard
- Royal Peltasts
- Royal Thorax Swordsmen
- Scythed Chariots
Melee Infantry
- Galatians Royal Guard
- Galatians Swordsmen
- Egyptian Infantry
- Karian Axemen
- Mob
- Sobek Cultists
- Royal Peltasts
- Royal Thorax Swordsmen
- Thorax Swordsmen
Spear Infantry
- Nubian Spearmen
- Levy Thureos Spears
- Thureos Spears
Pike Infantry
- Egyptian Pikemen
- Pikemen
- Royal Hellenic Guard
- Thorax Pikemen
Missile Infantry
- Egyptian Archers
- Egyptian Javelinmen
- Nubian Bowmen
- Egyptian Slingers
- Light Peltasts
- Peltasts
Melee Cavalry
- Camel Spearmen
- Egyptian Cavalry
- Citizen Cavalry
- Light Cavalry
Missile Cavalry
- Camel Archers
- Skirmisher Cavalry
- Tarantine Cavalry
Shock Cavalry
- Ptolemaic Cavalry
- Scythed Chariots
- African Elephants
- African War Elephants
Fixed Artillery
- Greek Great Bastilia
- Greek Polybolos
- Greek Bastion Scorpion
- Greek Scorpion (Fixed)
Field Artillery
- Greek Bastion Scorpion
- Greek Bastilia
- Greek Scorpion
- Greek Heavy Onager
- Greek Bastion Onager
- Greek Onager
Admiral Units
- Tower Penteres- Egyptian Archers
- Heavy Tower Octeres- Egyptian Infantry
Melee Ship
- Heavy Tower Octeres- Egyptian Infantry
- Assault Octeres- Egyptian Infantry
- Assault Hexeres- Karian Axemen
- Fire Pot Dieres- Nubian Spearmen
- Assault Dieres- Nubian Spearmen
Missile Ship
- Tower Penteres- Egyptian Archers
- Missile Penteres- Egyptian Archers
- Raiding Hemiolia- Egyptian Javelinmen
- Pursuit Trihemiolia- Egyptian Javelinmen
- Scorpion Trieres- Egyptian Archers
- Missile Trieres- Egyptian Archers
Artillery Ship
- Light Artillery Penteres- Greek Bastilia
- Artillery Penteres-Greek Onager
Current Diplomacy[]
- Military Allies: None
- Defensive Allies: None
- Trading Partners: Nabatea, Antony's Rome
- Non-Aggression Pact: None
- Military Access: Antony's Rome
- Strapies:None
- At War: Nasamones
Client State of Antony's Rome
Technology Tree[]
Ways of Horus
- enable recruitment of rank one champions
- enable building of Holosideros Barracks
- enable building of Periokos Camp
Management- Tier 1 reward: +3% replenishment rate
Training Reforms
- -2% recruitment cost (army)
- -2% upkeep cost (army)
- enable building of Docks
- enable building of Drydocks
- -3% recruitment cost (army)
- -3% upkeep cost (army)
- enable building of Skirmisher Camp
Deck Artillery
- -2% recruitment cost (navy)
- -2% upkeep cost (navy)
Tier 2 reward: +5% replenishment rate
Land Grant
- -5% agent recruitment cost
- -4% recruitment cost (army)
- -4% upkeep cost (army)
- enable building of Hoptile Barracks
Navy Artillery Training
- -3% recruitment cost (navy)
- -3% upkeep cost (navy)
- enable building of Neosokoi
- enable building of Military Port
Supply Reforms
- +25% ammunation for missile units
- -15% mencenary recruitment cost
- -15% mencenary upkeep cost
- enable recruitment of Light Peltasts
- enable building of Mencenary Camp
Tier 3- reward: +7% replenishment rate
Chapters Missions[]
Chapter 1: Assent to My Bold Undertakings Reward: 2500
Control 8 settlements by direct ownership or military allies and strapies
B1: Amun a Boat Reward: 1500
Subjugate Nasamones by capturing its last settlement or create strapy
B2: Planting Family Trees Reward: 1000
Research Dynastic List
Chapter 2: If You Would Have Peace, Prepare For War Reward: 5000
Mantain 50 units
B1: Granular Improvements Reward: 2000
Mantain 10 mencenary units
B2: Take a Punt Reward: 2500
Control 1 province through direct ownership or military allies: Aethopiha