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Classic Remastered

Egypt is a playable faction in Total War: Rome Remastered.


Alexander the Great created the largest empire the world had ever seen. After his death, the mighty empire crumbled into pieces as his generals struggled against each other for the ultimate prize that none of them was quite strong enough to gain. The Diadochi could only hold together to fragments of Alexander's empire.

Egypt was one part of that empire and by anyone's standards it is an ancient land. It is now ruled by Greek Pharaohs, the descendants of Ptolemy I, one of Alexander's able generals. The Ptolemaic dynasty adjusted rapidly to Egyptian ways and adopted the royal ways of the Pharaohs - including divine status and marriage between the Pharaoh and his sister in each generation. All the succeeding Pharaohs have been called Ptolemy, and their sisters (more often than not) Cleopatra in the Egyptian fashion.

Egypt, therefore, is a rich land under the new Pharaohs and a centre of learning for the Greek world. The Ptolemaic Pharaohs hold together a formidable kingdom and must be seen as a major power in the Eastern Mediterranean. Their potential in warfare against the other successor states is also impressive, and an aggressive Pharaoh could well expand Egypt's boundaries far beyond the Nile valley.

Unit Roster[]

  • Peasants
  • Nubian Spearmen
  • Nile Spearmen
  • Desert Axemen
  • Pharaoh's Guards
  • Slingers
  • Skirmishers
  • Bowmen
  • Pharaoh's Bowmen
  • Desert Cavalry
  • Nubian Cavalry
  • Nile Cavalry
  • Egyptian Cavalry General
  • Egyptian Chariots
  • Egyptian Chariot General
  • Egyptian Chariot Archers
  • Camel Archers
  • Onagers
  • Heavy Onagers
Total War: Rome Remastered Factions
Rome ArmeniaBritanniaCarthageDaciaEgyptGaulGermaniaGreek CitiesHouse of BruttiHouse of JuliiHouse of ScipiiMacedonNumidiaParthiaPontusScythiaSeleucid EmpireSpainSPQRThraceRebels
Barbarian Invasion AlemanniBerbersBurgundiiCeltsFranksGothsHunsLombardiOstrogothsRomano-BritishRoxolaniSarmatiansSassanidsSaxonsSlavsVandalsEastern Roman EmpireWestern Roman EmpireEastern Roman RebelsWestern Roman RebelsRebels
Alexander DahaeIllyriaIndiaMacedonPersiaScythiaThraceRebels