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Elite Nubian Archers are a type of missile infantry in Total War: Attila.


"The Nubian bow is a work of art on the canvas of war."

Nubian archers from the ‘Land of the Bow’ were famed for their skills and used as mercenaries by the Ptolemaic dynasty. Archery was valued in Nubian society: their gods and rulers were often depicted with bows or archer’s thumb rings, and their warriors were buried with bows, quivers, arrows and rings. The rings allowed archers to fully draw their powerful bows, as the shaped metal ring guarded their fingers. Several types of bow were employed, including the longbow and composite bow. There were also many types of arrowhead, some of which were barbed to make them more difficult to remove from a wound.

Strength and Weaknesses[]

  • Excellent Rate of Fire
  • Very Poor Armour
  • Good Range

Base Stats[]

Elite Nubian Archers
Number of Men: 160
Morale: 51
Bonus HP: 9
Melee Attack: 11
Melee Defense: 7
Charge Bonus: 7
Reload: 50
Ammunition: 17
Very Light Infantry
Hit Points: 75
Mass: 70
Walk Speed: 16
Run Speed: 40
Charge Speed: 55
Charge Distance: 35

Weapons and Gear[]

Melee Weapon
Damage: 5
Armour Penetration Damage: 1
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 0
Bonus vs Elephants: 0
Building damage: 0.033
Elite Bow
Missile Weapon
Normal Shot Flaming Shot Heavy Shot Whistling Shot
Damage: 34 35 22 8
Armour Penetration Damage: 8 0 20 2
Base Reload Time: 20 34 34 20
Range: 150 150 150 150
Bonus vs Infantry: 0 0 10 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 0 10 0 0
Bonus vs Elephants: 0 10 0 0
Special Effects: Fire Projectiles (Contact): -4 Morale (12s) Severe Morale Penalty (Overhead): -12 Morale, -8 Melee Attack, -25% Reload Speed (30s)
Small Round Shield
Melee Defence: 30
Armour: 5
Missile Block Chance: 20
Armour: 3


Ability Attila Precision Shot Precision Shot
Target: Self Initial Recharge: 0
Active Time: 30 Recharge Time: 210
Improved missile weapon damage for an extended period. These values are further modified by the unit itself.
Precision Shot (30s):
+50% Missile Damage
Fatigue (1s):
+100% Fatigue
Ability Attila Rapid Advance Rapid Advance
Target: Self Initial Recharge: 0
Active Time: 30 Recharge Time: 210
Improved unit movement speed over an extended period.
Rapid Advance (30s):
+50% Speed


Ability Attila Resistant to Fatigue Resistant to Fatigue
Fatigue has less of an effect on this unit.
Ability Attila Hide (forest) Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Total War: Attila Desert Units
Melee Infantry Desert Legionary DefectorsDesert Palatina DefectorsDesert TribesmenAfar RaidmastersAfar Swordsmenal-RahrainAthar’s ChosenBaltha DefendersBaltha WarriorsBeher’s ChosenKhahyahlimNoble al-RahrainRebellion MilitiaSahnegohrimSana’iSpice GuardSpice WarriorsTanukhid AmbushersZafar SentinelsZealot SicariusKushite ShotelaiHetaireia Guards
Spear Infantry Amazigh SpearmenDesert LevyDesert SpearsElite T'or WarriorsMäsqäl SpearmenRas GuardSons of the Invincible MahremT'or WarriorsShawia Guard
Pike Infantry Desert PikesTanukhid Pikes
Missile Infantry Desert BowmenDesert HurlersElite Nubian ArchersAdana MarksmenAdana TrackersAshumBadiya SkirmishersMärz ArchersRumha SkirmishersRumha WarriorsGaramantian HuntersArmenian SlingersKurdish Archers
Melee Cavalry Amazigh RaidersArabic HorsemenArmoured Camel WarriorsCamel WarriorsDesert ChieftainDesert RaidersDesert WarlordAbuna’s GuardAfar Camel Ridersal-Dawseral-ShahbaArmoured Himyarite ShotelaiBet Giorgis CavalryHimyarite ShotelaiJamal al-BalthaKing's RadifKushite Mounted ShotelaiTuareg Camel SpearmenLakhmid Scouts
Shock Cavaly Amazigh LancersCamel LancersAlmaqah’s LancersDune LancersMavia's BodyguardsMavia’s ChargersMavia’s ChosenMavia’s LancersSandstorm LancersWada’iGaramantian LancersLancers of the OasisClibanarii
Missile Cavalry Desert Mounted JavelinmenDesert Mounted SkirmishersJamal al-RumhaMounted März ArchersZodiac ArchersNoble Numidian Cavalry
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion Onager