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Equites Dalmatae are a type of melee cavalry in Total War: Attila.


"Roman cavalry power, stationed in the Balkans to meet the nomadic threat head-on. "

The ‘Dalmatian horsemen’ hailed from the western Balkans, roughly equivalent to the position of modern-day Croatia. Formed later in the Roman Empire as a temporary adjunct to the Legions, they became known as a ‘vexillationes’ following a reorganisation and expansion of Roman cavalry forces. In the years immediately prior the Legions had taken some heavy losses from the superior horse units of the eastern empires. This reorganisation was almost certainly an attempt to curb Roman losses and enable them to compete with the enemy's burgeoning cavalry tactics. In any case, the Dalmatae were the largest of the newly-raised vexillationes, and contributed to Claudius II victory over the Goths – a worthy record indeed!

Strength and Weaknesses[]

  • Excellent Attack Against Cavalry
  • Has Missile Weapon
  • High Health

Base Stats[]

Equites Dalmatae
Number of Men: 80
Morale: 34
Bonus HP: 20
Melee Attack: 45
Melee Defense: 7
Charge Bonus: 45
Reload: 15
Ammunition: 2
Light Infantry
Hit Points: 75
Mass: 90
Light Horse
Hit Points: 110
Mass: 385
Walk Speed: 18,5
Run Speed: 90
Charge Speed: 115
Charge Distance: 75

Weapons and Gear[]

Melee Weapon
Damage: 24
Armour Penetration Damage: 8
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 20
Bonus vs Elephants: 20
Building damage: 0.033
Precursor Javelin
Missile Weapon
Damage: 70
Armour Penetration Damage: 20
Base Reload Time: 14
Range: 80
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 15
Bonus vs Elephants: 15
Special Effects:
Round Shield
Melee Defence: 15
Armour: 15
Missile Block Chance: 25
Armour: 3



Ability Attila Resistant to Fatigue Resistant to Fatigue
Fatigue has less of an effect on this unit.
Ability Attila Hide (forest) Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Total War: Attila Roman Units
Melee Infantry Armigeri DefensoresCohorsEastern Armoured LegioElite PalatinaExploratoresHerculiani SenioresHetaireia GuardsLegioLegio ComitatensesNumeroiPalatinaPalatina GuardsPraeventoresProtectores Domestici
Spear Infantry Comitatensis SpearsCornuti SenioresEastern Auxilia PalatinaFoederati SpearsLanciarii SenioresLimitanei BorderguardsWestern Auxilia Palatina
Pike Infantry Menaulatoi
Missile Infantry Armoured SagittariiBallistariiElite BallistariiExculcatoresFunditoresLevis ArmaturaeMatiariiNoble Foederati JavelinmenRavenna Elite BallistariiSagittarii
Melee Cavalry ComesEquites DalmataeEquites PromotiExcubitores Cavalry GuardMagister MilitumScholae PalatinaeScout EquitesTagmata Cavalry
Shock Cavaly CatafractariiClibanariiContariiScholae Gentiles
Missile Cavalry Equites SagittariiImperial Dromedarii
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion OnagerLarge Onager
Field Artillery Cheiroballistra