Total War Wiki

Fan Min is a Chinese name; the family name is Fan.

Fan Min is a Commander hero in Total War: Three Kingdoms. He is a member of the Han Empire in 190 and 182. He later joins Liu Yan in 194 and Liu Zhang in 200.

General Information[]


Main Article: Attributes (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Expertise: 58
    • -8% construction cost (administered commandery)
    • +13 melee evasion
  • Resolve: 44
    • +9% general's health
    • +1k population growth (administered commandery)
  • Cunning: 57
    • +16% ammunition (own retinue)
    • +5 military supplies (own army)
  • Instinct: 35
    • +2% melee damage
    • -1% recruitment cost (this army)
  • Authority: 80
    • +3 satisfaction (faction-wide, if leader, heir or prime minister)
    • +3 unit morale (own retinue)


Main Article: Background (Total War: Three Kingdoms)


  • +5 cunning
  • +10 authority
  • -5% corruption (faction-wide, if leader, heir or prime minister)

Disregards Sociability.

Unit Statistics[]

  • Morale: 55
  • Melee Toughness: 22
  • Ranged Toughness: 27
  • Melee Power: 5
  • Hit Points: 18k
  • Melee Charge Bonus: 116
  • Melee Attack Rate: 30
  • Base Melee Damage: 225
  • Armour-Piercing Melee Damage: 164
  • Base Melee Evasion: 13%
  • Base Armour: 20%
  • Speed: 97


Main Article: Traits (Total War: Three Kingdoms)


  • +8 cunning
  • +25% character experience

Admires Intelligence, Loahtes Superstition.


  • +6 resolve
  • +2 authority
  • +2 public order (faction-wide, if leader, heir or prime minister)

Values Kindness, Values Charity, Opposes Cruelty.


  • +8 resolve
  • -50% desire for higher office

Focuses on Friendship.


Main Article: Skill (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Nature's Ally
    • +4 cunning
    • +4 authority
    • Ability: Nature's Ally
  • Nobility
    • +8 authority
    • +1 available assignments (if leader, heir or prime minister)
    • Enables: Encourage
    • +20% ranged block chance for melee cavalry (own retinue)


Main Article: Ability (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Encourage
    • Provides a morale bonus to nearby allies.
  • Nature's Ally (Passive Buff)
    • +25% speed
    • +10 morale
    • Ignore Forest Penalties
    • Range: 75m


Main Article: Ancillary (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Jian
    • Base Melee Damage: 220
    • Armour-Piercing Melee Damage: 163
    • Melee Attack Rate: 30
    • +9 expertise
  • Hunter's Garb
    • Base Armour: 20
    • +4 expertise
    • +4 authority
  • White Horse
    • Speed: 97
    • Mass: 1.5k
    • +2 authority


Main Article: Guanxi

Fan Min has no relations with other characters.


Fan Min was a relatively typical career bureaucrat in Han Dynasty China. He was born in 120 AD. He entered government services in his native Yi Province, where he was later nominated as Filial and Incorrupt. Subsequently, he gained a high-level government position in Yongchang commandery. He was later transferred to Ba commandery. Ultimately, he would quit his job at Ba and return home to care for his ailing mother.

Fan Min had planned to retire. He had received multiple offers for various positions from the Empire throughout the 180s, even prestigious ones that would have him serve directly in Luoyang. However, the already elderly Fan Min turned them all down, citing poor health as the reason, though this was probably just an excuse. When the ruthless Liu Yan became the Governor of Yi Province, Fan Min was convinced to become the administrator of Ba. Here, he was neutral in Liu Yan's various controversies, refusing to join Jia Long's rebellion against Yan, yet also refusing to join Liu Yan's attack against Li Jue and Guo Si.

After the death of Liu Yan, Fan Min continued his services under his son, Liu Zhang. However, poor health would catch up for real with Fan Min this time, and he ultimately died in 203 AD at the age of 83.
