Farmland is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. Besides simply providing food, it also gives prestige, reserve capacity and a small reduction in construction cost for Military Buildings.
Building Chain[]
Overgrown Grain Fields (level 0)[]
The people here keep to themselves; untouched and unchecked by the guiding hand of government. The people here are inward looking and able to operate outside of government influence, which has the disadvantage of not knowing what threats lie in wait beyond their boundaries. Establishing an authoritative presence here would do much for the wellbeing of the people, providing both them and the country with additional prosperity.
Upkeep: None
Cost: None
Grain Fields (level 1)[]
A fertile foundation must be prepared to yield good crops. The hunter-gatherer role has long been subsumed by the farmer, and fertile soil must be sought out for farming. This land has proved to have an abundance of good soil, and the local climate is conducive to the environment crops need to thrive. Now labourers can be applied to the field to start preparing it for the growing and sowing of crops. There is little run-off from nearby streams to this field, making it perfect for the grain which will bring income and food into the province.
Upkeep: 20
Cost: 1100
- +5 prestige
- +2 food production (farming)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Grain
Grain Farms (level 2)[]
In time, the smallest seeds can feed a village. This province is blessed with rich, fertile soil and light rainfall, making it perfect for dry-field farming. Grains such as hemp, millet, beans, wheat and chi are the most popular crops, depending on the time of season; millet for the summer, wheat and barley in winter. The work is hard, but has been made easier because of advances in agricultural practices. The seeds are planted using the alternating fields system, where the furrows and ridges are alternated to keep the soil fertile all year around.
Upkeep: 40
Cost: 1850
- +5 prestige
- +4 food production (farming)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Grain
Communal Grain Farms (level 3)[]
Cooperation yields more than competition. This co-operative generates greater amounts of food for the province, which encourages more people to move here for both food and work. As more farmers move to the province looking to find work in the fields, there is much to be gained by pooling collective resources and experience to make communal grain farms. Agricultural tools and techniques can be shared, as well as resulting profits from the yields. If one farmer’s crop encounters disaster and fails, they can count on the support of the farming community.
Upkeep: 60
Cost: 2650
- +5 prestige
- +6 food production (farming)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Grain
Grain Estates (level 4)[]
A grain farm supported by the rent from the local peasants. Estates provide permanent homes for the local farming community, attracting people looking for regular work and increasing the income and food for the province. This creates a miniature ecosystem, where the grain produce from the fields provides food and income to the local peasantry, who use it to pay rent, which goes towards the upkeep of the farms. With this additional revenue, the farming enterprise can be improved by purchasing better tools and hiring in more workers.
Upkeep: 90
Cost: 3400
- +10 prestige
- +8 food production (farming)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Grain
Requires Reform: Agricultural Tax Relief
Grand Grain Estates (level 5)[]
A magnificent estate to exhibit the fine produce made here. Years of toil in the fields have transformed the people here from peasants to expert grain farmers. In their lifetime, they have seen small plots develop into acres of fields, in concert with a growing community. They are filled with pride and a sense of achievement, knowing that their fate has been guided by their own hands and created a thriving farming income. A grand estate is a physical representation of this legacy, and one that will continue with their children after they have gone.
Upkeep: 110
Cost: 4250
- +15 prestige
- +10 food production (farming)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -15% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Grain
Requires Reform: Feudal Magnates