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The Bretons are a minor non-playable faction featured in The Last Roman Campaign Pack for Total War: Attila.


The Bretons are one of the minor factions that actually hold land on the campaign map, unlike other minor factions who start out as horde armies. They're in quite a good defensive position, being on the peninsular of Gaul which keeps their land border small and means only a few ways can be made to approach their settlements other than naval invasions. They're quite limited in terms of units to field, having around half the units the major factions have, but they start with a couple of armies and a small navy, which helps keep them somewhat safe.


Since the Bretons border the Frankish Kingdom, an eye will have to kept on them when playing as the Franks. However, nothing can be done in the early game as the Franks are in a constant race against time to stabilise their kingdom as well as win the war they're currently in with the Burgundians. The Bretons have no faction objectives other than to just survive, as they are a minor non-playable faction so there's no win conditions for them. They're not friendly with the Frankish Kingdom so can't be allied unless befriended and will attack if provoked or if the Frankish Kingdom looks weak.

They're on a peninsula to the west of the Frankish Kingdom which makes dealing with them difficult and more of a mid-late game objective. The Bretons can be ignored for the most part other than the random raiding party who will cross over the border to raid a settlement and then retreat back into their lands again. While annoying, a small army/garrison can be left to try and defended against it, but the main thing for the Frankish Kingdom to do is to win their war with the Burgundians before looking to the Bretons. They should be dealt with after the Burgundians to secure the eastern border, as the last thing anyone wants is to start a war with a major faction only for the Bretons to also declare war on the opposite side of the kingdom, so once the Burgundians are dealt with, the Bretons should either be allied (if possible) or destroyed.

Actually dealing with the Bretons can be tough, as their peninsular gives them a good defensive position right away. There's only two good ways to get to their settlements by land and the only other way is to naval invade them. Luckily, they only have 3 settlements in their one province, so it shouldn't be a long war if numerical advantage is achieved. While the Bretons might put up a good defence, they do only have a small amount of land and their unit roster is not as expansive as the major factions, so once the initial push into their land has been achieved, the momentum can be kept up to secure a victory. Taking them out will secure the border for the Frankish Kingdom and allow them to turn their attention to the rest of Europe without having to leave an army for defence against the Bretons.

