Total War Wiki

Fire Archers are a type of Light Bow Infantry in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It can only be recruited by Nanman factions who control the Tribal Fealty of Yunnan Tribes.


Main Article: Unit Ability (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Loose Formation (Mobile Formation)
    • Can use if:
      • Not on a wall or barricade
      • Not engaged in melee
      • Not climbing
      • Not on Elephant
    • -100% charge resistance
      TW3K Fire Archers in-game



A concerted volley of arrows is bad enough. When the arrows are on fire, it is time to run.

Though the crossbow has many advantages, the traditional bow is a weapon of grace and power with a venerable history. Archery was listed as one of the Six Noble Arts, and has been practised by emperors and sages. A well-made bow in skilled hands is also a devastating weapon on the battlefield. To increase the archer's effectiveness by firing flaming arrows might almost seem a step too far, were it not so effective.
