Grand Fishing Wharf
Fishing Port is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. Besides simply providing fish, it also serves as a source of prestige, food and reserve capacity. The alternative branch sacrifices some food for income and gets rid of the upkeep. Both paths grants a small discount for the construction of Military Buildings.
Building Chain[]

Deserted Fishing Grounds
Deserted Fishing Grounds (level 0)[]
The people here keep to themselves; untouched and unchecked by the guiding hand of government. The people here are inward looking and able to operate outside of government influence, which has the disadvantage of not knowing what threats lie in wait beyond their boundaries. Establishing an authoritative presence here would do much for the wellbeing of the people, providing both them and the country with additional prosperity.
Cost: None

Fishing Village
Fishing Village (level 1)[]
A village with a proud fishing tradition. Hunting animals for meat is uncommon, and crops succeed or fail at the whims of weather, soil and season. However, there are always fish to be caught in the sea, and all that is needed is a boat, a net, and patience. This village prides itself on its fishing tradition, where techniques, as well as tall tales, are handed down through the generations. A large fishing net will catch a haul plentiful enough to feed a family, and still have extra to sell to those who lack the stomach to catch and gut their own supper.
Cost: 1100
Upkeep: 20
- +5 prestige
- +2 food production (fishing)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Fish

Public Fishing Jetties
Public Fishing Jetties (level 2)[]
By which deep sea fishing is possible for those without 'sea legs'. A fishing village is improved with the construction of a jetty. This structure extends out away from the shallows of the coast, reaching out over deeper waters where larger fish gather. Underneath its shadow, smaller fish congregate to use it for shelter, attracting larger predators, who in turn become easy pickings for the fisherman above. By walking to the end of the jetty and casting nets, those fishermen without boats can fish, leading to a much larger haul for the village, and an increase in food and income.
Cost: 1800
Upkeep: 40
- +5 prestige
- +4 food production (fishing)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Fish

Communal Fishing Pier
Communal Fishing Pier (level 3)[]
A structure for both community and commerce. The small fishing jetty in this village can be built upon and extended into a communal fishing pier. The increased range of the structure stretches out over even deeper waters, enabling those without boats to cast nets over the side and catch a good haul of fish. The increased size of the pier has the advantage of being able to accommodate many more people in one large space, where neighbours can pool their resources by sharing nets and tips, as well helping each other haul in large catches.
Cost: 2200
Upkeep: 50
- +5 prestige
- +5 food production (fishing)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Provides Resource: Fish

Fishing Fleet Wharf
Fishing Fleet Wharf (level 4)[]
A wharf hastens the journey - and the amount - of fish from sea to village. The addition of a wharf to this province’s fishing village allows more fishing boats to dock, unload their haul for collection, and unmoor to head back to the water to continue fishing. The deposited fish are collected by dock workers, packed in salt and temporarily placed into small storage buildings until the day’s yield can be transported as one. This hastens the delivery of fish and allows the boatmen to spend more time on the water, resulting in a higher yield of fish and more income for the province.
Cost: 2600
Upkeep: 60
- +10 prestige
- +6 food production (fishing)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost reduction
Requires Reform: Transverse Bulkheads
Provides Resource: Fish

Grand Fishing Wharf
Grand Fishing Wharf (level 5A)[]
A thriving fishing port is a valuable source of income and food. The building of a grand fishing port adds immeasurably to the welfare of a province; it holds a greater number of wharfs, increasing the frequency that boatmen can dock and deliver their haul without having to wait for other boats to vacate. The port itself is proof that the fishing business here is profitable enough to build and invest in such structures, and the running of it provides more work for the local population. The population looks on at the bustling port with pride as it brings in both food and income.
Cost: 3300
Upkeep: 80
- +15 prestige
- +8 food production (fishing)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -15% military buildings construction cost reduction
Requires Reform: Junks
Provides Resource: Fish

Grand Fishing Expedition Shipyard
Grand Fishing Expedition Shipyard (level 5B)[]
A shipyard tends to the construction and repair of ships. The nearby forest furnishes this province with a rich source of lumber, providing the materials for construction of ships. To accommodate building such large vessels, a grand shipyard must be constructed first. Shipbuilding requires skilled craftsmen, bringing many new job opportunities and income into the province. As more ships are built, a greater number of fishing expeditions can be embarked upon, leading to a faster turnover of the volume of fish brought in, and adding to the province’s economy.
Cost: 3450
- +15 prestige
- +6 food production (fishing)
- +100 income (commerce)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -15% military buildings construction cost reduction
Requires Reform: Junks
Requires Resource: Lumber
Provides Resource: Fish