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Fletcher is a building chain in a Total War Saga: Troy. These resource buildings can only be built in forest settlements.


Although warfare in the Late Bronze Age was often conducted at close quarters, ranged units still played a key strategic role in the majority of battles. Skirmishers mingled with heavy infantry, raining slingshot and arrows upon the enemy line in order to break their resolve or soften them up for a charge. Light spears called javelins were also hurled from a distance before closing ranks. For archers and slingers, movement mattered more than protection; they were expected to carry out their attack, then withdraw from battle while armoured warriors gained all the glory in the ensuing melee.

Apprentice Fletcher (tier 1)[]

Built on an empty slot. Can be upgraded to Fletcher.

Building Construction Cost Remark Effect
TROY bld r fletcher 480 wood Arrow-making is a highly-skilled process requiring a lengthy training period prior to qualification. +37 wood per turn
+3 missile unit ammunition on recruitment
-4 to influence

Fletcher (tier 2)[]

Upgraded from Apprentice Fletcher. Can be further upgraded to Master Fletcher.

Building Upgrade Cost Remark Effect
TROY bld r fletcher 780 wood
70 stone
Originally referring just to the flight of an arrow, now the term means not just the one who makes them, but the one who sells them as well. +68 wood per turn
+6 missile unit ammunition on recruitment
-7 to influence

Master Fletcher (tier 3)[]

Upgraded from Fletcher.

Building Upgrade Cost Remark Effect
TROY bld r fletcher 1240 wood
230 stone
The well-crafted arrow will always fly true and find its deadly mark. +95 wood per turn
+8 missile unit ammunition on recruitment
-10 to influence