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Foederati Spears are a type of spear infantry in Total War: Attila.


"Spear-armed barbarian allies who fight for Rome in the Germanic tradition."

Not quite allies in the traditional sense, but not strictly part of the Empire either, foederati were tribal groups living just outside the borders of Roman territory who were bound by treaty to provide military support. In return, they received subsidies from the Romans, usually food. At varying times the Goths, Vandals, Franks, Alani and even the Huns fought for Rome as foederati. The main problem with the foederati system was that constituent tribes tended to become unreliable over time, especially after a change of leader. Famously, the Goths became foederati of the Eastern Roman Emperor Valens but then rebelled, utterly defeating his army and killing him at Adrianople in AD378. In turn, the loss of a large part of Rome’s standing army resulted in greater reliance on foederati troops, which ultimately hastened the end of the Western Empire. As Imperial authority weakened, and pressure from the marauding steppe nomads increased, many foederati moved inside Roman provinces.

Strength and Weaknesses[]

  • Has Missile Weapon
  • Good Attack Against Cavalry
  • Good Armour

Base Stats[]

Foederati Spears
Number of Men: 160
Morale: 36
Bonus HP: 5
Melee Attack: 22
Melee Defense: 22
Charge Bonus: 27
Reload: 15
Ammunition: 2
Medium Infantry
Hit Points: 90
Mass: 100
Walk Speed: 14
Run Speed: 33
Charge Speed: 45
Charge Distance: 35

Weapons and Gear[]

Melee Weapon
Damage: 24
Armour Penetration Damage: 8
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 20
Bonus vs Elephants: 20
Building damage: 0.033
Precursor Javelin
Missile Weapon
Damage: 70
Armour Penetration Damage: 20
Base Reload Time: 14
Range: 80
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 15
Bonus vs Elephants: 15
Special Effects:
Oval Shield
Melee Defence: 10
Armour: 30
Missile Block Chance: 40
Leather Amour
Armour: 10


Ability Attila Square Square
Target: Self Initial Recharge: 0
Active Time: N/A Recharge Time: N/A
The unit moves into a close square formation. Note that it cannot move whilst this ability is active.
Assemble (3s)
Form Square:
+15 Attack Against Cavalry
+15 Attack Against Elephants
+15 Shield Defence
+300% Entity Mass


Ability Attila Expert Charge Defence Expert Charge Defence
This unit’s melee attack and damage are increased against charging enemies.
Ability Attila Hide (forest) Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Total War: Attila Roman Units
Melee Infantry Armigeri DefensoresCohorsEastern Armoured LegioElite PalatinaExploratoresHerculiani SenioresHetaireia GuardsLegioLegio ComitatensesNumeroiPalatinaPalatina GuardsPraeventoresProtectores Domestici
Spear Infantry Comitatensis SpearsCornuti SenioresEastern Auxilia PalatinaFoederati SpearsLanciarii SenioresLimitanei BorderguardsWestern Auxilia Palatina
Pike Infantry Menaulatoi
Missile Infantry Armoured SagittariiBallistariiElite BallistariiExculcatoresFunditoresLevis ArmaturaeMatiariiNoble Foederati JavelinmenRavenna Elite BallistariiSagittarii
Melee Cavalry ComesEquites DalmataeEquites PromotiExcubitores Cavalry GuardMagister MilitumScholae PalatinaeScout EquitesTagmata Cavalry
Shock Cavaly CatafractariiClibanariiContariiScholae Gentiles
Missile Cavalry Equites SagittariiImperial Dromedarii
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion OnagerLarge Onager
Field Artillery Cheiroballistra