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The Franks are a playable faction in Total War: Attila


“As the world stands on the edge of chaos, the Franks hover between two roles. As destroyers - or inheritors of the Roman legacy - they are on the cusp of realising their full potential.”

A confederation of Germanic tribes from the lower Rhine region, they were defeated and eventually allowed to settle at Toxandria as foederati. While the current Frankish leader Faramund’s rule is a fine example for future rulers, a bolder warlord could lead them to greatness against the failing Empire. If a lasting Frankish kingdom is to emerge from Rome’s ashes, the people must be unified - the Franks must be one!

Situated on the coastline of northern Germania, The Franks have choices to make. Will they strike across the seas to seize the lands of Britannia? Or forge south perhaps, to exploit the weakness of the Western Roman Empire? Whoever they target will tremble in the face of their ferocious warriors, who fight with ever greater intensity the more casualties they sustain.

Faction Traits[]

Cultural Traits[]

New Kingdoms[]

"Nations are merely lines on a map. The true Kingdom is endless."

  • +200% conversion cost of the main chain
  • +200% conversion time of the main chain
  • Building conversion rate: -50%

Faction Traits[]

Ferocious Warriors[]

"Never without sword in-hand, nor rage in the veins."

  • Integrity: -50% penalty from casualties suffered
  • Melee damage: +10% for every 25% casualties suffered by a unit

Unit Roster[]

Melee Infantry Axe HeerbannBagaudaeElite Sword HeerbannFrancisca HeerbannFreemenGermanic BandGermanic NoblesGermanic WarbandNoble Germanic SwordsmenRoyal AnstrutionesSword Heerbann
Spear Infantry Germanic LevyGermanic Spear MastersGermanic Spearmen
Pike Infantry Germanic Pikes
Missile Infantry Elite Germanic ArchersFrankish SkirmishersGermanic ArchersGermanic BowsGermanic BrigandsGermanic CrossbowmenGermanic HuntersGermanic Hurlers
Melee Cavalry Frankish GeneralGermanic HorsemenGermanic Mounted WarbandNoble Germanic HorsemenTaifali Cavalry
Shock Cavalry Antrustriones Cavalry GuardFrankish LancersGermanic LancersSacra FranciscaSalian Frankish Lancers
Missile Cavalry Germanic Mounted BrigandsGermanic Night RaidersGermanic Raiders
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion OnagerLarge Onager

Starting Position[]



  • Flevum
Total War: Attila Factions
Nomadic Factions HunsWhite Huns
Roman Factions Eastern Roman EmpireWestern Roman Empire
Eastern Factions Sassanid EmpireGaramantiansLakhmidsAksumHimyarTanukhids
Barbarian Factions VisigothsVandalsAlansSaxons OstrogothsFranksSuebiansDanesGeatsJutesLangobardsAlamansBurgundiansEbdaniansPictsCaledoniansAnteansSclaveniansVenedians
The Last Roman Factions Frankish KingdomOstrogothic KingdomRoman ExpeditionVandalic KingdomVisigothic Kingdom
Age Of Charlemagne Factions Kingdom of AsturiasKingdom of CharlemagneKingdom of the LombardsAvarsEmirate of CordobaKingdom of MerciaKingdom of the DanesWestphalia