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Garrison Infantry are a type of line infantry in Fall of the Samurai.


Line infantry are the bulk of an army, doing a good deal of the killing and most of the dying.

Line infantry are the main force of an army making up, as the name suggests, the bulk of a battle line. Equipped and armed in modern, European style, each man has a good quality rifle which gives the unit a reasonable reload speed and good accuracy of fire in most situations. The large bullets fired do an unpleasant amount of damage to enemies. This means that line infantry are best suited to engaging the enemy with fire, and not in close combat where they are no better than other infantrymen. And like other infantry, they can be ridden down by cavalry if they are mishandled or left in an exposed, unsupported position.

A wide variety of rifles from many parts of the world were available on the open market by the time of the Boshin war. For most practical purposes on the battlefield there was little to choose between the various rifles on offer. Manufacturers in Britain, France, America and elsewhere competed fiercely to sell their weaponry to anyone who was interested. Governments supported the trade as an adjunct to diplomacy, or conveniently looked the other way in the interests of national profit. The period was, after all, a period of liberal “laissez faire” capitalism where politicians did not consider it the proper business of government to interfere in mercantile matters, even when death was the commodity.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Average accuracy and reload rate.
  • Average in melee.
  • Weak against cavalry.
  • Good morale.

General Information[]

Garrison Infantry are similar to line infantry, but spawn automatically in defense of a region capital that has a cadet school or an another building of the same branch; they despawn automatically after the defense, successful or not. They are thus completely expendable. As line infantry they have good accuracy and reload skill, making them suitable for manning walls. They can usually rout any unit attempting to climb a wall in good order if they are prepared properly. However, their melee skills are poor, and they suffer against specialized melee troops.

The more upgraded the cadet school is, the more garrison infantry spawn in defense of the region capital. Cadet schools/barracks/military academies/army war colleges spawn 1/2/3/4 units of garrison infantry, respectively. Garrison infantry are more effective at siege defenses than Spear Levy Garrisons and Levy Garrison Infantry, but modern military buildings decrease happiness in provinces as a tradeoff. Provinces with both a modern and traditional military chain building spawns all three units that can provide significant coverage for walls in defensive sieges.

Obama garrison infantry begin each battle with +2 experience.

Fall of the Samurai Infantry
Sword Infantry Katana KachiShogitai
Spear Infantry Spear LevySpear Levy GarrisonKyoto PoliceYari Kachi
Bow Infantry Bow Kachi
Matchlock Infantry Matchlock Kachi
Special Infantry Kisho Ninja
Militia Infantry Levy Garrison InfantryLevy InfantryWhite Tiger Force
Light Infantry SharpshootersTosa RiflemenYugekitai
Line Infantry Azure Dragon ForceBlack Bear InfantryBlack Tortoise ForceGarrison InfantryImperial InfantryLine InfantryRed Bear InfantryRepublican InfantryShinsengumi Police ForceShogunate InfantryVermilion Bird ForceWhite Bear Infantry
Elite Infantry Imperial Guard InfantryInfanterie de marineKihetaiRepublican Guard InfantryRoyal MarinesShogunate Guard InfantryUnited States Marines