For the Empire: Total War building, see Great Arsenal (Empire: Total War).
The Great Arsenal is a type of ordnance building in Napoleon: Total War.
A great arsenal is a huge manufactory for artillery pieces and allows artillery units to be recruited.
The development of new cannons is an expensive and sometimes risky business, and is one that the state likes to keep under its immediate control. No government likes to contemplate rebellion, and central control of heavy artillery is a wise policy. Large guns are necessary for armies (and navies, for that matter) to operate effectively and advances in this field allow new artillery units to be recruited. The ability of a nation to project its power in war is, in large part, measured by the size and variety of its artillery.
Historically, the arsenals of many states were peacetime stores for cannons, shot, and powder. Domestic peacekeeping by an army rarely required artillery to be deployed. Once cast, a cannon barrel could spend decades in storage before being mounted on an appropriate carriage and used in anger. The gun carriage used for a barrel could determine its use; a gun for use in fortifications did not need to be dragged across open country. Gunpowder, too, could spend neglected years in storage, and this caused all kinds of problems when it was finally issued to gunners: dried out or damp powder would not burn evenly and could cause gun barrels to burst when fired.
Great Arsenals are upgraded from Ordnance Factories. Alternatively, they may be converted from another third-tier region capital building, such as Grand Opera Houses or Courts of Justice.
Great Arsenals may be upgraded to Ordnance Boards, which provide access to more advanced artillery.
In The Peninsular Campaign, the Cannon Foundry line of buildings is absent. Instead, the army line of buildings produces all land military units.