'For the Empire: Total War unit, see Grenzers (Empire: Total War).
Grenzers are a type of light infantry in Napoleon: Total War.
Grenzers are aggressive skirmishers, armed with muskets.
This light infantry unit is used to harass and disrupt the enemy during battle. Like other skirmishers, grenzers consider themselves a cut above most infantrymen. They are expected to show individual aggression, initiative and soldiering skills, not just blindly obey and fight in formation. Their inability to form an effective square formation does leave them vulnerable to cavalry, but their fire accuracy is adequate compensation.
Historically, the Austrians had a tradition of creating high-quality light forces such as hussars and skirmishers. The grenzers were part of this tradition, recruited from among the Croat and Transylvania population of the Austrian Empire’s domains as frontier guards against the Turks. As frontiersmen, they had a certain air of lawlessness and even banditry, but they proved extremely able light troops. Over time, they became a hybrid type between line infantry and skirmishers: often deployed in battle in the line, but with the ability to skirmish when necessary. As an identifiable infantry nomenclature, grenzers remained in Austrian service until the end of the First World War in 1918.
General Information[]
Unique to Austria, grenzers are Austria's standard (and only) light infantry. They are unremarkable in terms of capabilities, boasting only slightly higher accuracy than default light infantry. Unlike all other light infantry, grenzers in the Europe campaign may only be trained in a few regions, handicapping them further.
Grenzers in the Italy Campaign can be trained from the Austrian capital of Klagenfurt, giving Austria an advantage over most factions (who lack light infantry) and allowing it to have an answer to France's Chasseurs.