For the Empire: Total War unit, see Guardias de Infanteria (Empire: Total War).
Guardias de Infanteria are a type of elite infantry in Napoleon: Total War.
These elite foot guards are charged with the protection of the monarch, the royal family and royal palaces.
These men are experts with the smoothbore musket, famed for their accuracy and fast reloading skills. They are also famous for their meticulously correct uniforms: the post of foot guard can only be held by the very best soldiers. If necessary the guards must be willing to lay down their lives to protect the royal family. This requires a rare breed of man: highly disciplined with excellent morale, able to stand steadfast to the last. On the battlefield the foot guards set an example to inspire nearby units.
Historically, monarchies vied with each other to have the finest household guards in their palaces. The French Maison du Roi regiment were hand picked by the king from candidates sent in from every line regiment. Officers who sent along duffers for the duty were punished. In Prussia the “Potsdam Giants” were a quirk of Frederick I’s obsession with very, very tall men and military pomp. Oddly, Frederick was not a very warlike chap at all. He just liked tall men.
General Information[]
Compared to standard guard units, Guardias de Infanteria have worse reloading than average, but have better than average defense and morale. They are slightly more expensive to train. As with most elite infantry, they inspire nearby troops, and have superior accuracy and reloading. This makes them a deadly and powerful addition to Spain's armies, though they are limited to just four regiments.
Guardias de Infanteria are present only in the Europe Campaign. In The Peninsular Campaign, Spain recruits Walloon Guards, instead.