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Guerrilla Husares NTW Icon

Guerrilla Husares are a type of guerrilla light cavalry in The Peninsular Campaign.


These mounted troops are versatile and fast moving, particularly effective against enemies such as skirmishers and artillery. Guerrilla units can be deployed anywhere on the battlefield except inside the enemy deployment zone or within range of the enemy general.

The essence of the guerrilla or “little war” is that a small force can take on a much larger foe by relying on ambushes, cunning and speed. Guerrilla Húsares are motivated by their hatred for the French, which drives them forward during their impressive cavalry charges. Their speed and agility should be used to chase down skirmishers or disrupt enemy artillery, but they will be outclassed should they ever face heavier cavalry in melee or, for that matter, infantry in square.

The mountainous terrain of Spain and Portugal made movement by heavy cavalry or artillery slow and difficult for all the armies in the Peninsular War. The roads that did exist were rough and poorly maintained, prompting the Grand Armée and the Spanish guerrillas to rely on lighter cavalry such as hussars as the mobile elements. Many of the guerrillas were actually from the towns and villages found high in the mountains. Their local knowledge gave them an advantage in covering ground. Their reputation as mountain “savages” was as useful as numbers in intimidating the French; it was a notoriety enhanced by the collecting French ears and fingers as war trophies.

General Information[]

Guerrilla Husares are somewhat inferior statistically to Husares, but make up for this with their ability to use guerrilla warfare, meaning that they can be placed anywhere on the battlefield outside of, or close to, the enemy deployment zone. This allows them to attack armies from unexpected angles, sometimes allowing them to cause disproportional damage and disruption.

Spain begins The Peninsular Campaign with a few regiments of these units already trained and present on the world map. Whereas Spain can only field a few regiments of Guerrilla Husares, Great Britain has a good chance of gaining these units whenever it liberates a region, giving Great Britain access to a theoretically unlimited number of them.

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