Total War Wiki

Han Hao is a Chinese name; the family name is Han.

Han Hao is a Champion hero in Total War: Three Kingdoms. He is a member of Wang Kuang in 190, later joining Cao Cao in 194 and 200.

General Information[]


Main Article: Attributes (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Expertise: 46
    • -6% construction cost (administered commandery)
    • +8 melee evasion
  • Resolve: 79
    • +28% general's health
    • +3k population growth (administered commandery)
  • Cunning: 51
    • +12% ammunition (own retinue)
    • +3 military supplies (own army)
  • Instinct: 55
    • +8% melee damage
    • -2% recruitment cost (this army)
  • Authority: 45
    • +1 unit morale (own retinue)


Main Article: Background (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

Feeder of Armies

  • +15 expertise
  • +10 cunning
  • +5 authority
  • Unlocks assignment: Replenish Supplies
  • +5 military supplies (faction-wide, if prime minister, heir or faction leader)
  • +5% replenishment (own army)

Commends Perceptiveness, Commends Flexibility, Resents Discipline.

Unit Statistics[]

  • Morale: 60
  • Melee Toughness: 25
  • Ranged Toughness: 32
  • Melee Power: 4
  • Hit Points: 18k
  • Melee Charge Bonus: 173
  • Melee Attack Rate: 22
  • Base Melee Damage: 96
  • Armour-Piercing Melee Damage: 354
  • Base Melee Evasion: 8%
  • Base Armour: 50%
  • Speed: 89


Main Article: Traits (Total War: Three Kingdoms)


  • +12 resolve
  • +3 morale (when commanding)

Commends Bravery.


  • +8 expertise
  • -50% desire for higher office
  • Decreases ambition to gain independence as administrator

Focuses on Family.


  • +2 expertise
  • +6 cunning
  • +5 reserves (administered commandery)

Commands Flexibility.


Main Article: Skill (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Patience
    • +8 resolve
    • +25% chance of capturing enemy officers post-battle
    • Increases rate of wall and settlement damage during sieges (when commanding)
  • Binding Fury


Main Article: Ability (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Binding Fury (Melee Attack)
    • Can use if:
      • In melee
      • Engaged in a duel or has an attack order
      • Not on Elephant
    • Splash Damage: 7.5k
    • Duration: 10s
    • Cooldown: 60s


Main Article: Ancillary (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • Spear
    • Base Melee Damage; 88
    • Armour-Piercing Melee Damage: 354
    • Melee Attack Rate: 24
    • +3 expertise
    • +3 instinct
  • Dull Iron Carapace
    • Base Armour: 50
    • -12 expertise
    • +3 resolve
    • +3 instinct
    • -8% speed
    • -8% melee attack rate
    • +12 charge bonus
  • Brown Horse
    • Speed: 97
    • Mass: 1.5k
    • +2 resolve


Main Article: Guanxi

Han Hao doesn't have any relations with other characters.


Han Hao is a member of the Han Dynasty, albeit a minor one. He was the ruler of a small town in Henan. When Dong Zhuo seized the emperor and the Han dynasty's power collapsed, the local garrison abandoned the area to fight elsewhere leaving the town undefended. Before long, bandits moved into the mountains near the town and frequent raids began. Han Hao gathered the peasants in the town and organized them into a militia, soundly defeating the bandits and gaining some fame in the process, which reached Dong Zhou's ears.

Dong Zhou demanded that Han Hao come work for him. When Hao refused, he was threatened. Before long a small army arrived to kill Han Hao, who barely managed to escape from his town. Angered by the escape, the whole town was burned to the ground and the population was put to the sword. Han Hao fell in with the warlord Wang Kuang but was later convinced to join Cao Cao by Xiahou Dun where he became a general.

Han Hao became something of a beacon of calmness in Cao Cao's army. He became renowned for always thinking things through and calmly resolving any problems that arose. Famously he convinced a large group of soldiers belonging to Lü Bu who were trying to abduct Xiahou Dun to simply head home without bloodshed, an action for which Cao Cao rewarded him richly. He remained with Cao Cao until his death, mostly as an advisor to the warlord and a general. He died somewhere around 215.
