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The Vengeful Hour is an epic mission from a Total War Saga: Troy. This is the fifth mission of Penthesilea's epic mission chain.


Move any character to the following region:

Make peace with the following faction (conditional):


"Priam has sent many of us to the house of Hades, but old age and daughters have since tempered him."

King Priam of Troy was once a mighty foe of the Amazons, but he has since proven a reliable and repentant ally. The Trojan ruler now beseeches you to lend assistance in destroying invaders to his land from beyond the Aegean Sea. It would be wise to honour this alliance, as it will surely prove useful in crushing your sworn enemies.


  • Priam's Gratitude (10 turns) (The safety of Troy is ensured now that your Amazons have joined Priam's alliance.)
    • +100 to diplomatic relations with Hector's Trojans
    • +100 to diplomatic relations with Paris' Trojans
    • +100 to diplomatic relations with Troy
  • 5000 food
  • Recruitment available: